Chapter 27

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Chapter 27: The Black Mamba


"A worried mother does better research than the FBI."



Stage Left: Ron and Astoria
Setting: His flat


"Do you think pygmy puffs know how cute they are?"

"Pardon?" Astoria was finishing her buttered toast across the foldable table in Ron's kitchen, but she couldn't bring herself to take the last bite because she was so taken aback by his question.

"Pygmy puffs," he said, chewing on his bread as if he had not a care in the world.

"Yes, I understood you. That was just...extremely random."

"I think it's a legitimate question. We sell a few of them in the joke shop." Ron took his time to pour himself another glass of orange juice. "I was cleaning their cages last night and thought about it. What if they know they're cute? You know? There's this one -Randal. He's a cheeky bugger if ever there was one, but any time he bites me, he just blinks those beady little eyes and - boom! I'm suckered right back in."

Astoria blinked. "You are too adorable for your own good."

With a blush that could have rivaled the color of his hair, Ron Weasley choked on his orange juice, set his cup down, and gave a lopsided smile. "Thanks."

"Which is why..." She wrung her hands together, anxious and excited for her next words. "I think we should go public."

If eyes could literally pop out of their sockets, Ron's would have been on the floor. But, as it were, it was only figurative. Still, he looked quite comical as his eyebrows shot up to his hairline and his mouth slacked. "...Really?"

"Yes, really."

He, quite literally, looked like he'd been hit with a proper stunning spell. "That's a relief."

Astoria quirked a brow. "Is it?"

"I wasn't sure if what we were doing was just a way to relieve some sexual tension for you or not." Quickly, he added after sensing her withering expression, "N-Not that it was ever that way for me!"


"Aren't you worried what...I dunno...Malfoy's family will say? Or your own?"

"Well, seeing as how Draco and Miss Granger seem to be having their own tryst, I don't see what difference it will make." Crossing her arms, Astoria blew a strand of hair out of her face and set her eyes on Ron.

Ron was careful with his next words. "...Sounds to me like it gets under your skin."

"It isn't that..." She shook her head. "It's...I want Draco to be happy. And I also want to be happy. But we've been so busy trying to not hurt our families, how can either of us say we're truly happy unless we come out of the woodwork and tell other people..." She paused, realizing her ramblings. "Unless you don't see us that way."


"If this is purely physical, I'd rather you tell me now."

Scratching the side of his cheek, Ron leaned back in his chair, shaking his head. "Blimey, it isn't like that at all, Astoria. I like you. I'm only worried what others might think about you" From the tip of his nose to the tip of his ears, he glowed crimson. "You sure you wanna come out and tell the world you're dating me?"

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