Chapter 22

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Chapter 22: When in Spain


"New beginnings are often disguised

as painful endings"
~Lao Tzu


Stage Right: Draco Malfoy
Setting: Malfoy Manor, his bedroom, namely his bed...ladies. ;)


Draco had tossed and turned for most of the night, too on edge to sleep. He got up when the sun met the horizon and stood at his window, watching the reds and golds glisten on the grounds of the Malfoy Manor. Waking up today, knowing that it was a fresh start, was one of the most invigorating things he'd felt in a long time. There were no obligations today; he didn't have to think about dance lessons or wedding plans. The only two things on his mind were: Astoria coming by this morning for something, and lunch plans with Hermione this afternoon. With a skip in his step, Draco marched to the bathroom, flipping the shower on with a flick of his wrist, ready to face the day.

He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror, surprised by the lack of dark circles even though he'd hardly slept a wink. Obviously, he was in a far better mood than he thought. His face practically glowed with anticipation at what the day promised. He grabbed up his toothbrush, took it into the shower with him, and began to scrub at his teeth. The magical bristles suds immediately, filling his mouth with minty paste. Simultaneously he brushed his teeth and massaged his hair with shampoo, letting the bubbles tickle his scalp. If anyone could get a good gawk at him, they'd have thought he'd broken the Malfoy code entirely, forgoing his brooding nature for one of lighthearted eagerness. But he couldn't exactly help it. There was something so freeing about waking up and being left to his own devices. Not even the thought of breaking the news to his mother that he was, in fact, not going to marry at the present moment could deter him from his pleasant disposition.

Hell, he even had a good wank just because he could. And he didn't feel an ounce guilty that it was Hermione he thought about.

After his shower, he dressed in a casual pair of dress slacks and white button down with the sleeves rolled up to his forearms, slipping on some socks but refusing to put on shoes yet as he carried them down the staircase and padded his way to the kitchen for a bite. His appetite, which had waned lately due to stress, found its way back, and he served himself some jelly on toast, some links of sausage, and a cup of coffee as black as his soul. Only when he was on his last link did Astoria find him, a wooden crate in her hands.

Draco's eyebrows shot up immediately: Astoria wore a light summer dress, showing off her delicate neckline and long legs. Her hair was cut just below her chin in a bob with matching bangs, accentuating her fine features. "Tori," Draco motioned to the nook in the corner of the kitchen and offered her a seat next to him. She walked over and placed the crate on top of the table, pulling out her own chair and taking a seat. There was one thing very new about her appearance; she no longer wore her engagement ring on her left hand.

"It's in the box," she said, as if reading his mind. "Along with a few things you've gotten me over the last few years."

"Oh. Er....I didn't know we were exchanging trinkets," he replied, somewhat confused and nearly offended. "These gifts were for you, Astoria, I don't want them back."

"Yes, well...I don't want them. Not right now." She held her head up with more confidence and poise than he'd seen her hold in a long time. "If we're truly to be separated, this, I think, is a good first step."

Draco nodded mildly, glancing into the box. There were a few letters he'd written her, a stuffed dragon he'd won her at a carnival, and a few glitzy pieces of jewelry, including her engagement ring, tied around the stuffed dragon's neck.

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