Chapter 6: Gets complicated

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Duncan above😁😁. Is he how you imagined him 🙃

Ace's POV


We went back in the car and saw some guys standing by Blossom's car, fiddling with it. I went up to them in a hurried pace and punched them, knocking them out.

"Duncan stop acting like a princess and get off your ass" hissed. "Okay, okay geez I'm coming my queen"he said. We picked the scumbags up and put them in the boot of my Range Rover.

"Duncan, this time why couldn't you use your car this time, now I have to wash the covers"I said. "Hahaha, what do you think, my car is a dump yard" he asked rhetorically. "Well I got you from it so...". I said. He hit my head and we drove off to my penthouse so we can find out whose playing monopoly with us.

Present time

After what felt like and eternity, the idiots finally woke up. "Who do you two work for?"I asked harshly. No reply. "How do you'll know Blossom?"I asked again. They just smirked and looked away. Now I was getting annoyed. If they don't answer the next I'm gonna break that smirk of those ugly faces. "What's your names?"I asked. It was like I was talking to a pair of kindergarteners that speak German 🙄.

I had enough I started punching them one by one. They both spat blood and let out a dry laugh. I was going to hit them again but Duncan pulled me aside.

"Okay so I guess I'm good cop, because you already chose bad cop"he said with an eye roll. "Oh just shut up Duncan, you have your whole life to bad cop"I said as he grumbled.

We went by them again and I said " Look, I have trillions of dollars, name your price and I'll give it to you depending on the information I get from it, just answer the questions and you'll get it, it's as easy as pie"I said.

"Easy for you because your life's not on the line" one of them scoffed. "And to think you not scared that we gonna kill you right now"Duncan said while glaring at them.

"Okay let's make a deal, give me answers, I'll guarantee your safety, and I'll pay you double of what you getting"I said. "Leave us alone and let us decide" one of them said.

We left them alone and went in the kitchen when suddenly Duncan began opening the fridge. "Duncan what the hell are you doing?"I asked. "Earlier you mentioned pie, so now I'm hungry"he said as I looked at him with amusement. He thinks about food in the weirdest situations. I threw him the cordless phone and told him to order room service.

I went back in the living room and left Duncan to do whatever crap he's doing.

"So do we have a deal?" I asked. "Okay, but we want to help you"they said. "How so?"I asked quite confused. "We'll tell you after you ask the questions"the other guy said.

"What's your names?" I asked. "I'm Max and he's Luke" the brown haired guy said. "Who do you'll work for?"I asked. We don't know for sure who we work for, or even the gender of the person, but so far this person has phoned us only, no face to face contact, and they use a voice changer."the blonde guy said.

"What did they hire you for?"I asked. "They just told us to follow the girl, tell her that her dad was drunk, drain her petrol tank, and he was gonna call us after we drained the tank."the black haired guy said.

"Do you... Ace",Duncan interrupted me. "As I was saying.... Acey boo bear" Duncan interrupted again. "What the hell do you want"I said in a harsh tone. "Ace, Ace."Duncan said again. "What Duncan whattttt"I said on the verge of slapping him. "Where's your wallet."he said while walking in. He came to me and pulled my jacket from the couch and just opened my wallet and took it to the door.

"What the freak just happened"I said to myself. Duncan walked back in with a multitude of food and had a slice of pizza in his hand.

"Duncan you aren't my wife were you can just walk in and waste my money."I said annoyed. "Don't worry Acey, I know that spots reserved for Blossom, I'm just keeping your wallet warm until she comes"he said with a wink making Luke and Max laugh.

"Shut up"I hissed. "So, as I was saying, do you know what they were gonna ask you to do"I asked. "No we don't, but maybe we can help you and tell what their moves are?" Luke offered. "What do you want in return, and why would you do it for us?"I asked.

We are poor, my mom has cancer, and I had to get money for her chemo, I never want to this, but it was my only income source, so if we help you, we would be doing good and earning money" Max said.

"I'll pay for your mums chemo, all the sessions, go do everything they tell you to do, but tell me before you do it, and if you cross me and backstab me, I won't hesitate to take back my payments, and kill you'll myself" I said seriously, and they gulped.

"And if he doesn't intimidate you remember I can break you like a stick"Duncan said while stuffing his mouth again. I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face. What would I do without Duncan.

"But Ace,can I call you Ace?"Max asked cautiously. "Yeah"I said. This person, really seems obsessed with this girl, and by our encounter with whoever this is,over the phone, they seem nuts." Max said carefully.

We untied them, then as they were leaving Duncan said "If you ever double cross my Acey, the gorilla, will go monkey on you. He pointed at himself while saying monkey. I burst out laughing. They joined in and gave me their numbers.

After they left, Duncan and I walked in. Duncan, one things for sure, we playing with fire and we have to put it off before it spreads. And he knew exactly what I meant. Get ready Blossom, the devils coming back to haunt you
And this time, he's bringing you back to hell, I thought with a smirk on my face. 

OMGGGGG, the last part is 😱😱and so on point I have goosebumps.

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Author's Note: Hey sweeties. Here's Chapter 6 for you. Nudge, nudge, shake shake, next chapter someone's going to London.

Do you think Max and Luke will betray them?

Don't you just love Ace and Duncan's relationship 🥰.

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