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⠀⠀⠀ THE ROYAL COURT OF GALA WAS IN A FUSS. After the news of marriage between princess Milada Skepsza and Jyu Poal soared around the planet, the nobles who were kept alive prayed that it was a lie.

No one wanted to see a beautiful Galacian princess marry the invader, destroyer of their prosperous world. The Phindian was glad that the things are playing out exactly as he wanted, knowing that his aim will be achieved in a few days time and no one, not even the Republic, will stop him. They were too busy fighting the Separatist uprisings to even care about Outer Rim Territories' colonies and worlds.

Whispers echoed through the halls of the almost dead palace. It was no secret to anyone that this will be the second attempt of Princess Milada to marry a suitor — Obi Wan Kenobi — who had left on the day of the ceremony and returned only weeks later which lead to the King to cancel all of the following ceremonies.

As a result, majority of the population began to view the royal family as weak and indecisive as they could not even maintain a stable transition of power.

Of course it had angered the King but he did not show it, returning back to the routine which was present before the Jedi had returned once again. Ruling the lands himself as his daughter lived in shadows as before.

She saw her coronation as an escape from her father, whom she still loved deeply, but the man forbid her from showing her true power to anyone unless he is gone to no longer control. As Obi Wan left, Milada's spirit was broken. The aim which she prepared for years, all those grand plans to improve and stabilise the planet should now be forgotten once again.

To say that Milada was fractured is an understatement. She was completely destroyed. She blindly believed that he will return on the day of the ceremony but she was foolish for thinking that. He never came as he assured her. He promised to come back early, as soon as he can.

During her stay with Elan, she learnt that the power is not something of importance, but could not help herself in trying to take a hold of it as soon as she can — restore the reign of her dynasty.

The princess lay in her bed, it was midday and she was still not out of her chambers. It had been three days since Obi Wan left and she felt even worse than she was before. She made him break her heart, forced him to do the one thing he would never do and she only now realised what mistake she had made.

Milada was egoistic the whole time he was on Gala. Blaming him for her own desires, pushing him away after he assured her that he knew what to do to ensure Gala is to be free and she was the one who ruined it.

Afraid to admit, she put the blame on everyone around her. The whole time she was aware of what she was doing, her unwise actions and the careless attitude which was taking turns almost every moment was something she had been doing subconsciously and not attempting to stop it any sooner.

Would she be a terrible queen?

A distant memory of her childhood came into her visions, her mother's honeyed voice echoing in her head as she closed her eyes, allowing herself to sing the one song she wished to forget. Despite not wanting to sing it, the princess couldn't help herself and finally let her sweet voice pour out.

"Wolves asleep amidst the trees," Milada began softly, "bats all swaying in the breeze,"

It was a song of unknown origin — a lullaby of woe.

Milada never knew what planet her mother was from as the creatures which she sang about in the song are unfamiliar to the galaxy. It was a mystery to her and even her father refused to tell her about her mother after she had passed away.

It was painful indeed, but Milada always wanted to know more of her mother's origins.

"But one soul lies anxious wide awake," she continued, "fearing all manner of ghouls, hags and wraiths,"

Her heart ached. She let her chest tighten its knots, caging her heart inside as the feelings which were always to be forgotten, are finally remembered.

"For your dolly Polly sleep has flown," her voice broke a little as she sang to no one, "don't dare let her tremble alone,"

She never knew who Polly was, but she always felt a connection to her — alone and afraid, trembling as she lay forgotten by everyone.

"For the Witcher, heartless, cold, paid in coin of gold,"

It reminded her of Obi Wan. Despite not knowing what 'Witcher' her mother was singing to her about, she immediately linked him with the Jedi who gets paid in thankfulness of the force and the support of the Republic, even if they deny so. She knew how it was all done in the capital and knew that the Jedi were not who they were presented as, but even that did not stop her from putting her faith in one.

Milada convinced herself that he was different and that he is not like anyone else she had met before, but only to hurt herself at the end.

"He comes, he'll go," Milada almost chocked as she almost finished the song, "leave naught behind, but heartache and woe, deep, deep woe,"

It was late when she realised that her cheeks were soaked in her own tears, dry and wet, it did not matter anymore. He brought her the heartache she made him bring, and now he is a woe to her. The one who leaves upon receiving praise and wealth, heartless and cold just as the mysterious Witcher of her mother's songs. Forlorn and nervy is she left after that.

"Your highness," a female voice was heard behind the door and Milada immediately sat up, wiping the tears away with the sleeve of her robe.

"Yes?" Her voice was edgy and she hoped that the servant did not hear it.

"The King wants to dine with you and is asking if you can attend the dinner today,"

Can she? She appreciated that Jyu did not bother her for the past three days and that she wouldn't have to take away another life, but his company still disgusted her. She despised him. He knew it too. Yet, he would still attempt to get on her good side as she would eventually become his wife and Milada was still convinced that she would rather be dead than marry him.

"Your highness?" The servant asked, worried as the princess stayed silent for a few moments.

"I can't," Milada whispered to herself, looking at the door as she took a deep breath, "inform him that I will be present,"

Another mistake of hers.

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