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I am uncertain if it is clear enough or not, but this book had persisted on a hiatus for two years now. And therefore, why I had lastly decided to come and clarify everything as to why I am not scheduling to complete it.

I. Personal Interest:

Knowing myself, I tend to lose interest in many projects I begin. This is why I have around fifteen stories, poems, inserts laying around that I jump to depending on how I feel. Call it a however you want but I simply prefer to multi-task to an extreme, pouring out my creative outbursts everywhere I can. It makes me who I am and if anyone dares to come to me regarding this, I will not be bothered to even read because no one is in a place to judge my intellect and my creativity/interests towards my own work.

II. Interest to the Lore/Universe:

Growing up with Star Wars, I never lost interest to the universe of it, but the new projects and even the sequel trilogy, had taken away my desire to even consider them as canon. This is my personal opinion and preference so I also don't want to hear anyone coming at me for what I like, but back to the point; I am more interested in the original trilogy (Episode IV, V, VI) and the Expanded Universe books (EU).

Hence writing about the prequel or sequel trilogy was something I did to improve my own abilities and to change things I wasn't happy with as there was always a new source of information that could be considered useful.

III. Face-claim & other types of claiming apply:

This is everyone's favourite topic as it is common in every fandom and community, but at this stage, the Star Wars one has the worst. I am sick of people telling me that I can't use a certain actor/actress for my work because they are using them too.

Do you own the actor/actress? Do you own their life, face, persona? Do you own the film I took the image from? You don't. Then why come at me and others saying that we cannot do it because you did it too. You may have done it first, but it doesn't make you an owner of someone's face. If you want to own a face, use your own self as the face-claim for you story, so then others will have to ask your permission to use it in their stories.

It all is a public property – actors and actresses would not be in films if they didn't want their faces to be viewed and used everywhere. I won't expand anymore but I hope you got the point.

IV. Relationships:

I write about the characters' relationship that I like or that I want to see and etc. so it is not your place to come to me and complain that you don't like a relationship within my story. If you don't like it, don't read it, and instead create your own. I am not writing to match your and your friends' preference, I am writing for myself first.

V. Language:

English is not my first language, but I have been studying it for more than ten years so if my grammar is off or anything, it's because I base it on Russian grammar as it is my first language, and I always improve my English and enhance it in every way that I can. If I use a British English when it comes to my writing, it's my choicenot yours. I studied in a British school for ten years so why would I write with an American English?

VI. My nationality:

Continuing from the previous point, yes, I am Russian, and I am not ashamed of it. I don't care about the politics and how they make you Russophobic, but I do care when you come to me and discriminate me for being who I am.

First off, you don't know me personally and judging me based on my citizenship just shows how immature you are as you generalise people. Trust me, you wouldn't like it if I came to you and began to generalise your nationality/ethnicity because I have no mercy when it comes to such things, and I am making it clear here for everyone to understand that.

Secondly, what does my government have to do with me? Blaming me for my government that I didn't chose as I was living and studying abroad and at the time when the party that is in the Kremlin right now, I wasn't even born – it's absurd and lacks logical explanation.

My government and my people are two different things, our history and our customs differ greatly from the political order we have, and I don't want anyone coming to me right now about how I should be ashamed for being Russian and how my people should burn in hell. If you want that to happen, why not do it to yourself and see if it will be a suitable punishment for my sinful nation and me.

In conclusion, I write about what I want, I update whenever I like, I write however I want, and I am who I am. If you don't like it, remove my books from your libraries, reading lists and unfollow me because I will not be dancing to your pathetic flute. I am my own person, and I will not live by your morals and preferences, so kindly fall into the deep ground away from my eyes and me if you don't want your pitiful being hurt by an evil serpent that I am.

On a positive note, I'd like to put out two deleted scenes' quotes from Chapter II and III that never made it to the story but were significant to the plot at a certain stage.

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