Chapter 1- Home

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Peter's POV

I had never been more excited than when Mr. Stark had asked me to come stay with Avengers. It was an absolute dream. When I was little, I would always imagine myself as being an Avenger. Mainly Ironman. One time, I had gone to some sort of Expo or something with an Ironman mask. I was really young at the time, and didn't remember much, but I did remember a giant robot thing landing in front of me about to shoot me. I had been a complete idiot and raised my hand up to shoot it, thinking the costume might actually do something. Right before the robot killed me, however, the real Ironman landed in front of me and shot it.

I was here now. With that same Ironman. With da- Mr. Stark. Dang it. I had done it again. I had almost called him dad. Not out loud of course... That would've been embarrassing, but I kept calling him dad inside my head.

Mr. Stark is like a dad to me. I never wanted to admit it. I doubted I would. I knew that a genius and billionaire could never love some poor kid who had never really recovered from a spider bite. I accepted that fact a long time ago. I still loved him though.

I rolled over in bed, and glanced over at my alarm clock. 3am. I sighed, and laid my head back on my pillow. 

I had been waking up this early for a few days now. I didn't know why. Usually my spider senses were blaring, giving me a splitting headache and I had to force myself to hold back sobs and cries of agony. This time was different though. This time nothing was happening. I was just awake. It was strange because I couldn't hear or smell anything. I could barely see, and making out the time on the alarm clock was extremely difficult. Tasting anything was impossible from what I could tell, but I could feel things just fine. It seemed to be the one sense I had left. 

I rolled off the bed groggily, and made my way quietly over to the closet. I pulled on my Spiderman mask, just to talk to Karen. 

"Hello boss."

"Hey Karen."

"Boss, you appear to be in desperate need of sleep."

"Yeah." I said with a slight chuckle. "You could say that."

"It would also appear that most of your senses have dialed down to below the average human level. They appear to be malfunctioning."

"Karen, I'm a person, not a machine."

"Sorry boss."

"No don't be... I just-" I yawned.

"Would you like me to contact Mr. Stark?" Karen asked.

"What?" I yawned again, but then I finally processed what she had said. "Nonononononono" I shot out as quietly as possible, not even bothering to pause between each word. "I'm fine Karen. I'm just a little tired."

"Sure thing Boss. However, it appears to be worse than that."

"Karen, I'm fine. Just don't contact Mr. Stark."


The next few days, I didn't get the comfort of losing my senses. It scared me that I did, but the headaches grew worse and worse, and the sobs soon became nearly uncontrollable.

About a week after the whole incident with Karen and losing my senses, all that crap, I had only had about 3 and a half hours of sleep. I was exhausted.

It was Saturday, and as soon as my clock changed to 7 I bolted out of bed. I had been awake for the past 4 hours, and I wasn't allowed out of bed before 7 on Saturdays. Apparently it annoyed Clint too much, who was the official trickster. I was still pulling confetti out of my armpits from when he decided to make a confetti exploding arrow.

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