The ravenette's midnight eyes are dim, the galaxies that once shine brightly have now disappeared as she stares up at the lonely moon hanging in the sky. Her chest tight and silent tears stream down her face as her mind drifts back to old times, taking in the tiny details that she may have forgotten, or just doesn't want to forget. How he looked at her when he thought she wasn't looking, or just when she was talking to him. The amount of love that overflowed from her that was all for him. Anyone could see how happy the two were, even her own parents saw the heightened happiness as she went throughout the house. But everything comes crashing down in the end, even if they don't want it to. Now the girl lays here knowing that all that disappeared, that there will always be someone else for him. The tears continued as she smiled up at the moon, the wind blowing through her messy dark hair as she said three words. I love you.-
October 28th, 2020