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I yawned and stretched out my arms to get rid of the slumber as I sat up on the cold ground. It was as dark as always in the cell, except for the little light that entered through the small window. I could tell it was daytime now, and Master would be returning soon. It had been a while since he last drank any of his slaves' blood, let alone mine. Any other person would be glad to know that their master isn't going to drain their blood but it was different with me.

Sure, it did hurt when he bit me with his sharp. knife-like fangs but I enjoyed being in his company. His gentlemanly manners, his polite way of speaking, his cold touch, his velvety voice just seemed to appeal to me. And before I even knew it, I had already fallen for him.

My train of thoughts was interrupted by the clanking of the metal door to the cell as it slowly creaked open. I quickly stood up as I saw Sir Christopher step in.

"I am hoping you're in good health, May," He said with a gentle smile on his face.

"I am, Sir Christopher," I said.

"Then I suppose you wouldn't mind if I were to have my breakfast with you today?" He said walking closer to me.

"N-No I wouldn't, Sir." I stuttered.

As a response to this, he walked closer and placed a hand on my shoulder. He moved the collar of my clothes out of the way as he leaned down to my neck. I shut my eyes tightly as his fangs pierced through my skin and slowly sucked my blood. Not long after, he stopped and moved away, licking his lips.

"I must admit, I really do enjoy visiting you. Your blood tastes better anyone's I've ever tasted." He said in a low voice.

I heard a knock on the door which caused me to jump a little.

"Come in," I said.

The door handle twisted and the door opened, revealing Soomi, my personal maid.

"It's time for lunch," She said.

"Oh, I'm coming," I said closing the book I was reading and placing it back in its place.

"And I really don't want to say this again but please do not read books while sitting on the ladder. What if you fall?" She lectured.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry," I said getting down the ladder and walking to the door.

She sighed. I would get scolded by her a lot when I was a kid but I didn't take to heart since I knew she only wished the best for me and my brother, Seungmin.

I walked to the dining hall followed by Soomi. I spotted Mother and Father already seated at the dining table. Father looked at me and smiled as I walked to the table and sat down beside Mother.

"So, what's happaening at the company, Father?" I asked.

"It's improving. We faced a huge loss last year but now we're recovering from that. It's all thanks to my old friend's support," Father stated.

"And that's why we are holding a party tomorrow." Mother spoke.

"Oh, so that was why I had to pick a dress?" I asked.

"Yep." Mother said smiling.


I stared at the half-filled glass in my hand sitting on a chair alone. Parties weren't really my thing. The whole mansion would be filled with chatter and laughter. It's not like I hated people but most of the guests were quite obnoxious and the others were only there for business. I did have a few friends that I only met at parties and a few people I could do anything to avoid.

While some parties were a bit enjoyable for me, this one was rather boring. The only thing I actually enjoyed was the slow music being played by the orchestra. I swirled the drink around in my glass as I listened to it.

"Hey Y/N~" A shrill voice spoke, disturbing the calm state of my mind.

I looked in the direction of the voice to find the most pain in the neck type of person walking towards me with her irritating and clingy friends that I liked to call sidekicks.

"It's been so long since I last saw you. Wait, I think you looked skinnier the last time." Minji said. [Honey you beautiful no matter your body type ok? Bishes like these are only there to make you realise that. Don't body shame yourself :)]

I clearly understood what she meant when she said that. She was trying to say that I got fat. It was her way of dropping my self-esteem so that I would envy her and follow her around like her two 'friends'. I said nothing, taking a sip of my drink without even sparing her a glance. But I knew that should have no effect on her. When I thought she was a pain in the neck, I wasn't wrong.

"Oh but what are you wearing, I have the same dress but it looked brighter on me I guess? I couldn't recognize it at first because it looks so dull on you. Ah haha." She mocked the dark blue gown I was wearing, earning laughter from her sidekicks.

" She mocked the dark blue gown I was wearing, earning laughter from her sidekicks

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At this, I looked up and gave her a cold stare. Usually, I'd glare at people to shoo them but just an emotionless stare was enough to scare her. But she'd come back later so I needed to be cautious not to run into her. I wasn't any weak girl who would feel down by people like her trying to bully me.

"Oh, you're so boring as always. I'm going." She said before turning around and walking.

I watched her leaving. When she was a few meters away from me she bumped into a guy. She purposefully fell to the ground and acted as if she got hurt. It was clear she wanted him to pick her up. I sighed at her but kept my gaze on them to see what he would do next. Normally, a rich man like him would act like a prince and give a hand to the girl, but this guy,  he just brushed his suit with his hand, apologised and walked away. I let out a small laugh at her failed attempt at getting the guy's attention.

"Poor little Fiona," I mumbled to myself.

The said guy suddenly looked at me causing me to flinch and look away.

I looked at Minji again only to find her getting back up on her feet with an irritated look on her face. That guy really was something to just indirectly reject her like that.

After having dinner and all the other guests left, my father called me over to meet Mr Bang and his family. We were sitting outside in the huge garden which was lit by lamps. The white marble chairs and table was surrounded by both the families chatting and having tea. Then, I noticed that the guy who bumped into Minji earlier that night was also sitting at the table with us. He was apparently the son of Mr Bang. I didn't see him before even though his family was close business partners with our company.

What I noticed this time was that he wasn't that cold kind of guy he was with Minji. He was rather friendly with my mother and Seungmin. He smiled a lot which enhanced one of his features that was his dimple. I sipped my cup of tea [tEa~] and smiled the whole time, except occasionally when the conversation came to me I would answer but other than that it was nothing interesting. He did spare me a few glances but smiled it off as of being formal. I did the same when we accidentally made eye contact.

They left after a while of baseless chatting with my family.

To be continued...

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