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Your POV

It has been three weeks since my wedding. Alucard was sitting on his throne with me on his lap, starting to doze off when his phone rang.


"Alucard get your ass up here!"

"What did I do now?"

"I said get your ass up here! Do I have to repeat myself again?!"

Alucard sighed.

"Oh and bring (Y/N)."

"Ok..." Alucard hung up.
"Master wants us up stairs."
Seras opened the mirror door thing to the basement.

"Can I come down for a second, master?" Seras spoke kind of scared.

"Seras... Please wait up there. We will be there in a second." I spoke.

"Ok (Y/N)" she closed the door. I got up followed by Alucard. He wrapped an arm around my waist.

"I think Sir Integra wanted to talk to us about a mission." I said starting to walk up stairs. Once I was a the top I opened the door to be greeted by Seras sitting by the wall. Once she saw we were there, she stood up quickly.

"Master, (Y/N). Were you told to get to Sir Integra's office?" She spoke quickly. I nodded.

Time skip

Seras knocked on the door.
"So you guys finally decided to show up? Come in." Integra spoke slightly annoyed.

"You have a new mission. You will be killing a vampire that has taken over a school Tonight. Go get ready." She spoke as slight bit agitated. Alucard had to be the asshole he is.

"So what's got your panties in a twist?" His grin getting wider by the second.

"How many times do I have to repeat myself today, Aluc-"
She didn't get to finish her sentence when Alucard spoke again.

"I just asked a sim-" I didn't allow him to finish his sentence as I cut him off.

"Alucard...just come on we need to get ready, My King"
I pulled his arm, getting him out of the door.

"But why?" He whined like a young child.

"Because I said so" Me and Sir Integra spoke in unison. Seras giggled.

"I will see you later (Y/N), good luck" Seras smiled and went her sperate way.

Time skip

Sera's POV

I was in my room getting ready. Well no... Getting my gun ready when Walter knocked on my door.

"Ms. Victoria?"

"Yes?" I spoke.

"I have a new gun for you"

"Come in Walter" I looked up.
Watching Walter walk in with a three cases in his hands.

"Alucard, (Y/N), come on out I have new ones for you too." He smirked.

"For you, Alucard. I have a 13 mm jackal. Semi automatic, anti-freak weapon. 390 mm long and weighing 16kg six round magazines, too much fun for any human to handle instead of the modified rounds in you 454 casull we've custom made an explosive amor-piercing round especially for this gun" Walter began.
"Casing" Alucard spoke picking the gun up.
"Pure silver makedonia in processed"
"Ammunition?" Alucard asked with a smirk on his face.
"Nna 9 Marvel Cartridges"
"Explosive or Mercury charge?"
"Oh Mercury and of course they've already been blessed" Walter finished.
"It's perfect Walter"
"I'm glad you're satisfied" Walter knelled down opening Seras' case.
"Do you think you could even kill the pilot with this gun?" Alucard chuckles.
"Oh I think so."
"Miss Victoria, very good I have a new weapon for you as well" Walter spoke.
"Uhh...?" Seras was confused.
"The 30 mm anti-freak heart conan cannon. The Hokotan cannon uses two types of ammunition, one depleted uranium shells, the other explosive amor-piercing incendiary"
"You're not seriously going to make me carry that thing, are you?" Seras looked scared and confused.
"It really suits you, Police girl” Alucard smiled.
"But do you really think so, I don't really know if I would look good carrying that, I mean the length is a serious issue but even that's beside point, isn't depleted-Uranium illegal, and anyway I'm a strong girl, but I'm not that-"
Walter cut Seras off.
"Your next mission should be very interesting miss Victoria" Seras smiled a crooked smile.
"Miss (L/N)... I heard you were good with swords. So you will have a sword and a Jackal. The jackal is similar to your husbands. I have a 12 mm jackal. Semi automatic, anti-freak weapon. 350 mm long and weighing 13kg six round magazines. We've also custom made an explosive amor-piercing round especially for your gun. The casing and ammunition is the same as Alucard's" He handed the gun to me.
"How comes (Y/N) gets to have a smaller gun?" Seras whined.
"She is a werewolf and a Vampire. Plus she has a familiar. And bitches Love cannons" Alucard wrapped his arm around my waist.
"So I'm a Bitch in this scenario?" Seras questioned.
"No. Alucard is just beings a asshole" Seras and Walter looked at me wide eyed.
"What's wrong?" I smirked.
"Y-you just cursed." Seras said as I shrugged my shoulders.
"Your sword is a sword created by Mt. Saint Michael's Church. It is 37 inches in length, 7 inches in width. The handle, made out of nails that pierced Jesus himself. Blade made out of pure silver. Be careful when handling this." Walter handed me the sword.

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