Oh shit

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We plan to escape at midnight tonight. It has to go well, we're already on thin ice with better living. If we get caught they'll turn us into dracs.
I fall asleep straight after dinner and wake up at 11:30 pm. We know that the guards rest at 11:30-12:10. I pack what I need and meet the guys at the gate. I pick the lock and hope for the best.
We go out and there's fires everywhere!
We start running because an alarm sounded. all I could hear was the blaring of the alarms and all I could do was run. A shit ton of dracs chased us and shot at us with their ray guns but we lost them after a while.
Eventually we found an old fashioned diner that was a bit broken up but we slept on the booth seats.

I woke up and the Californian sun hit me.
"God I'm hungry" I say aloud
"Same" mikey says
"I'm going out to look for humans, ok?"
"Yeah ok"
"I'm coming!" Frank yells from the back of the diner
Me and frank walk round the back and there's a car that I assume has gas, I found the keys in the glove box and put them in the car.
We where driving along until we see a few people that we where sure weren't dracs.

When we came back to the diner we had confirmed there was other humans and after talking to them we found out that we can only eat power pup, the battery city dog food brand,
We ended up finding some power pup and taking it back to the diner.
"Hello, we're home"  I yell
"Ok, what'd you get?" Ray yells Back
I walk into main room and sit on a booth seat next to ray
"So uh, the only thing we can eat is um... dog food"
"What do you mean dog food!"
"I mean there's no other food, so that's what other killjoys eat"
"Do the other killjoys have the code names?"
"Yeah, one of the ones I met was called doctor death defying, and he runs a radio station against bli"
"So He plays illegal music and suff" "yeah"
"Y'know we have a radio"
"So we could play his radio"
"Oh shit, yeah we could!"
So that's what we do we get the radio and set it his channel, unfortunately there was some bad news
"So uh, turns out we've been very known by bli and they've Uh... declared war on us, be careful not to get killed to night. If you don't have a weapon come to the garage near battery city, we're giving weapons out. Sleep with one eye open killjoy, this dr death defying out"
"Oh shit" me and ray say at the same time

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