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Diluc couldn't be anymore grateful to the Archons. There wasn't something special about his day in particular. He just felt elated to be waking up embracing the woman in his dreams. He never thought there will ever come a day that he'll meet someone he'll love so much more than his own life, yet there she was, so frail and peaceful in his arms.

He gently brushed his fingers againts her cheeks, assuring himself that she was indeed real.

"I love you." He whispered in her ears, causing his wife to slowly open her eyes.

"I love you too." She whispered back, leaning forward to give him a kiss on his forehead.

Diluc loved her small gestures of affection. He loved how all those gentle kisses she'd given him felt so securing, genuine and pure. Everything she's done, even her lightest caress from his ears down his collarbone were strong magic he couldn't fathom. A spell he wouldn't dare to break away from.

Diluc tightened his embrace, burrying his face on his wife's shoulder. He still vividly remembered how fragile her slender body looked when he found her. She was so cold, with her eyes barely possessing any glimmer. And now that she's so full of life, Diluc felt the strong desire to protect her from the world so that she wouldn't become like how she was before.

"I want to stay like this forever" Such cheesy lines Diluc never thought he would ever say to someone yet he said it to her with all his heart.

"We have so many work today, Diluc, we need to arise."

"They'd understand."

"They need us there, Diluc."

Diluc sighed in defeat as he slowly broke away to stand up. Unwillingly, he put on his tunic and the rest of the layers of his usual clothing.

"Did you already reserve a place In Liyue?"

"I've reserved the best room in Wangshu inn for the two of us."

Anthea was still braiding her long golden hair by the time Diluc finished grooming himself.

"Let me braid your hair for you." Diluc offered.

His wife smiled. "Make sure you don't make a ruin hunter arm out of my hair this time." She teased. Because the last time she allowed him to braid her hair, it went too tight that it became sturdy enough to stand on its own.

"I've trained plenty for this day."

Diluc sat behind his wife, his fingers combing her long hair. Unlike before when he didn't know what on Teyvat he was doing, he was now confident that he'll get it right.

"I love this. " His wife spoke.


"These little moments with you. We've been so busy running paperworks for the second branch of the winery in liyue lately."

"Don't worry, we'll have the entire week together. I didn't take reservations for the best place in Liyue for nothing."

"Diluc, we're going there for work."

Diluc let out soft chuckles. "Doesn't mean we can't reserve a little time for ourselves right?"

By the time Diluc was done, his wife was surprised to see her perfectly braided hair. "Well I'm impressed." She exclaimed.

A smile appeared on Diluc's face. He found it adorable, how she gracefully and cheerfully twirled around to get a better glimpse at his work.

"How did you manage the flowers?"

"I told you I've trained plenty. "

"And who was the patient soul who managed to teach you magnificently?"

"I had help from the housemaids. Adelinde has a rather strict way of teaching."

His wife giggled. "Well, that's Adelinde for you. That's what makes her very efficient though."

"I agree. She may even be more efficient than the knights."

"Don't be so harsh to the poor knights, Diluc. They're trying their best." She told him, holding the back of his hand with her palm.

When he didn't respond, she gently pecked his lips. Although it was just a very short moment, the feeling of her soft plump lips against his made him melt.

"I understand Diluc, it's alright." She whispered then put another kiss on his forehead. He closed his eyes, feeling her warmth give comfort to his heart and the very interiors of his soul.

Her presence made him question in his mind,

Just how did his past self manage to survive avoiding someone like her for so many years?

The god's last wish (Zhongli/Diluc x OC) Where stories live. Discover now