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"Sonny I can get on the bus by myself," I huffed as Sonny was standing next to me, shaving

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"Sonny I can get on the bus by myself," I huffed as Sonny was standing next to me, shaving.  I then grabbed my backpack.

My mom was there waiting with my lunch.  She also had 2 pieces of toast but I looked up at the Alexa to see the time.

5:49?!  I have to be out at 5:55!

"Thanks mom have a great day!" I say as I rush out to run into Tommy on the sidewalk.

"I did tell you I would pick you up.  Bus stop is this way," Tommy said as he grabbed my arm and lead me to the right.  I could already see two other people there up ahead.

"Are you just gonna hold toast in your hand or are you gonna eat it?"

"Um I was just gonna eat one because I spent all night snacking and then when my mom caught me I spent the rest of the night chewing on the gum you left me.  Thank you by the way."

"No problem.  Can I eat the other one then?"

"Sure!" I handed over my toast and finally halted to a stop.  There was two guys standing there.  

"Hey Freddie.  This is Y/N the girl that's new," Tommy introduced.

"Ohhh so this is the girl you're so obse-" Tommy cut him off with a hand to his mouth.  "A-And this is Henry."  The other guy simply waved.  I waved back, too occupied with my food to greet them.

"I heard you're in our class with us.  There's a free seat next to me if you want to sit close to me and Tommy because I don't think you want to sit in the back behind him," Freddie offered.

"Thanks.  So, um, where do you guys normally sit?" I asked.

"We normally sit at the top row.  You can sit with me if you're nervous?" Tommy said.

"I'd like that." I responded as the red bus pulled up. We all boarded and I could already see the weird looks I was getting.  Suddenly I felt a tap on my right arm.

"You stream, right?  And have like a million subs?  Can I get a picture please?" I nodded and took a quick photo with them before catching up with the boys.  I found Tommy standing, giving me the window seat.  


"Hey, Y/N?"

"Yes, Tommy?"

"Would you date someone you barely knew?"

"I mean, if they shared everything with me and I love their personality and their friends and other people say they're fine then yeah but I'd wait about 2 months I guess."

"How long have we known each other?"

"About a month, Tommy.  Why do you ask?"

**Before anyone says anything else, yes y/n is oblivious.  I am like this in real life.  yes, this is why im lonely ;-; cuz i can never get one damn hint xD

**Also, all my Y/Ns are based off my personality so yeah im oblivious

"Nothing.  Just wanted to talk about something."

When we entered the room, it had to be the most computers I've ever seen in one place.  There were little students however.  About ten of us to be exact. I guess not everyone wants to be cool nerds like us.  I sat next to Freddie like he had offered me to do while Tommy sat on the other side of him.  The warm up was coding for an hour and then after that we would learn about different hard drives and cameras.

"Hey, Freddie?  I think I messed up because the character is walking backwards instead of forwards..."  He reached over and quickly fixed it.  As I was working quietly, I saw out of the corner of my eye Henry reaching from the back and hitting Tommy on the head and pointing at me with an "OI DICKHEAD" following from who I'm assuming was Tommy.  I simply ignored them and kept working.

---TIME SKIP LUNCH TIME (12:30)---

"So that's why half your backpack was filled with snacks!  Because the teacher lets you snack while you're working since we're here for nine hours!" I realized while laughing at the picnic table.

"I did tell you I'd share but you just sat there!"

"Well sorry I get distracted easily especially when Henry leaning over every 5 seconds to slap the back of your head."  I looked at him and his face was bright red.

"You didn't hear anything, did you?"

"Nope because I was doing my work unlike some of you."  I then heard his phone ringing loudly.

"Sorry it's my mum.  I'll be back," Tommy excused himself as he walked away.  I shrugged my shoulders at Freddie and Henry who were sitting with me and continued eating.  

It was about half an hour and Tommy still hasn't come back.

I turned around to leave with Tommy's backpack on my back and mine in the front but I could see him walking slowly.

With tears running down his face and his hood up.

___ _____ ___ ___

Hello! Let me tell you now, the posts will be random since I have school to focus on aswell. Thank you to the people who are constantly supporting me and I hope this book makes you happy as much as it makes me happy!

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I love you all! Happy Reading <3

I love you all! Happy Reading <3

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