Class 1-A

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You adjust your uniform in the mirror in your dorm room. How lucky are you? Ever since last year and all the attacks from the League Of Villains, it became part of the acceptance to UA, all students had to stay in on site dorms with their Home Room teacher close by. You sigh, the other girls uniforms improve their curves...meanwhile your more of a pear shaped. The top looks like a guy's shirt and the skirt goes a few fingers length below your bottom. "Let's hope there's no ever!"

Ding Ding, Ding Ding

"Crap! That's my bell! I got to go!" You rush out your room and head towards your classroom. You should have been first. You are top of your class this year! "Please be first, please be first!" You turn the corner and throw the door open. The full classroom just stares at you.

"Excuse me, miss. I believe you're in the wrong room." A guy with short hair and glasses tells you. He towers over you as he stands up.

"Oh...I...I... I'm sorry." You look up and see that he's right. "This is 2-A. Can you tell me where 1-A is?"

"Of course. Go down the hall. Stairs are on the left. You're right below us." He flashed a comforting smile. He was very nice.

You bowed. "Thank you!" You go downstairs and finally find your actual classroom. Half the class is already there talking to each other. They look at you and you don't know anyone. Your heart sinks as the anxiety begins to overwhelm you. Damn this social anxiety! You hold your hands behind your back to hide that they're shaking. You find an empty seat in the back corner, getting your books ready for the first day of classes.

"Wow, you're so organized!" She was tall, had blue hair and blue eyes. Just as pale as you. "The name's Kuri! Kuri Kumati!" 

"Hi Kumati. I'm (Y/n) (L/n)."

"Wait...(L/n)? Didn't you get the top score this year?" Your cheeks blush.

"Oh..yeah. That's me."

"Man you shoulda seen her in action! She was crazy stylin'!" You look at who said that. It was someone you met at the entrance exams.

"Omazu? You're in my class?"

"Looks like it!" He was a pretty average looking guy overall. Short black hair. Average height. Brown eyes. On the buff side though to help his quirk.

"Crazy huh? So what's your quirk (L/n)?"

"Well I can manipulate water."

"Water? Really? But you have red hair." Kumati pouted. "I thought you'd have a fire quirk."

"Well do you have a water quirk Ms blue hair?" She pouted again.

"No.. I communicate with animals. But at least lots of animals live in water!"

"Good thing we're in a forest" Omazu said laughing. You smacked his arm.

"Ow! Yo no touchy (L/n)!"

"Seats. NOW!" Omatsu and Kumati took the seats around you. Omatsu in front, Kumati beside. Your teacher came in and stood at the front podium. He had shoulder length black hair. Pale skin. Baggy eyes. You feel that. "I'm your homeroom teacher. Aizawa. And I'm gonna make these next three years a living hell. You'll be pushed to your limits. And then pushed even more. Each year will break you. To make you the best hero you can be. If your not up for that. If it sounds rough then leave now."

You gulp loud. You knew it was gonna be tough but this sounds...strangely exciting. "I wanna be stronger..." You whisper to yourself. Kumati looks over at you with a cocked eyebrow but stays quiet. Aizawa continues.

"Alright then. As most of you know lots of things are different this year. Last year we were the main target for the League Of Villains. It was a real thorn in my side. So for your training this year. We start now. Get in your PE clothes and meet me in field A." He pivots and leaves without another word.

"Awesome! Let's go (L/n)!" Kumati grabs your hand as you leave the classroom. You turn the corner and run into a wall front first. Your whole head began hurting immediately. You take a step back as a hand on your chest pushed you to the floor.

"Watch where you're going asshole!" It wasn't a wall but a guy! He was so tall. Pale just like you but with super spiky blonde hair. And red eyes. Just like yours. You never met anyone with red eyes like you. He stormed off as your head pounded again.

"(L/n), are you okay?! That dude was an ass!" Kumati helped you up. "Come on, we're gonna be late." You meet with your class at Field A where Aizawa looks annoyed with you.

"Thanks for showing up ladies. Today we're going to put your quirks to the test through a fitness test." Everyone started getting excited and mutters to each other. Aizawa hair flares up "Shut. It!" The class goes dead silent.

"(L/n), you're up first. Here." He tosses a baseball at you. "Use your quirk to help you throw it as far as you can."

"Um..okay..." You throw the ball while also shooting water out of your palm to give it a super boost. Aizawa holds a phone up that says 703 M.

"Over 700 meters?!" Someone says. "Wow that's amazing!" You blush and go back to the group where Omatsu pats you on the back and gives you a thumbs up.

"Oh. By the way class. How you do on these test will determine if you stay to see tomorrow. Or if I expel you today and you don't even see lunch." Everyone begins to panic but you get excited. I can do this. I WILL stay! You think to yourself.

The tests continue for a while. Basic timed sprints. Long jumps. Things you do every year in PE. You do pretty well overall but you're exhausted.

"Alright. That's it. Here your standings." A chart lit up with everyone's names on it. You scan for yours.

"Wow (L/n), 5th place! Good job!" Omatsu smiled.

Kumati sighed. "I got 12th. At least it's above Omatsu""

He puffed "it's not my fault! My camouflage quirk doesn't help with physical tests!"

"That's true." Your sad you're not first but hey, top 5 isn't bad at all! "Next time, I'm gonna be first." They both look at you smiling.

"That's the spirit!" We all high five and notice Aizawa staring impatiently at us.

"Anyways. You all did okay. I guess no one goes home today. Back to class. Let's go." You all head back to class and sit in your seats. "I'm going to teach my other class. You're all gonna stay here and begin your other studies." He left without another word as Present Mic entered.


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