Chapter 9

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The next morning I woke up and ready for school, I jumped in the shower, brushed my teeth before putting on my uniform ready for Charlie to come and pick me up.

I was so glad we had some sort of uniform to wear, else everyone would be in a fashion contest at the school

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I was so glad we had some sort of uniform to wear, else everyone would be in a fashion contest at the school. I made my way downstairs and made conversation with my family before Charlie arrived. He came a lot earlier this morning and came inside the house as I was still eating breakfast. He sat down at the table as we continued our small talk with my family. As I was drinking a glass of water Jake looked at Charlie 'so man, what are your intentions with my sister?' causing me to spit my water back into my glass and chock . Charlie looked at me concerned and started rubbing my back while Jake and Aria were laughing. Mum came and gave us all a kiss goodbye before she left for work. 'Jake your a dickhead, we are leaving ' I said as I got up grabbing Charlie's hand. 'So you not riding with us then?' Aria asked 'Nah, got a lift this morning' I smiled up at Charlie before pulling my boots on and walking out the door to his car.

I pulled my hat over my ears to keep them warm before Charlie leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek . 'what was that for' I asked smiling up at him 'I never got to say good morning this morning , so good morning' he said giving me another kiss on the cheek. Butterflies erupted in my stomach. The drive to school was a comfortable silence filled with The Fray on the radio and it wasn't long before we pulled into the school grounds. Charlie quickly pulled into the parking space before getting out the car and running around to the passenger side opening the door and grabbing my hand. I smiled as we walked into school and into the form room. We sat down next to each other as Charlie handed me a head phone and we listened to some music. I closed my eyes and rested my head on his shoulder before we heard a high pitched scream come from the door. I bolted up from Charlie's shoulder to see an angry but sassy looking Owen with the rest of the gang laughing.

Owen marched up to me 'excuse me missy , thats my man'

I laughed in Owen's face before sitting back down next to Charlie who put his arm around me. Owen looked at Charlie offended 'So that's it , were over for her' Charlie smiled at Owen and shrugged his shoulders ' You know ill always love you man' Charlie laughed. Owen came behind me and whispered in my ear 'take care of him' I smiled at Owen before giving him a side hug and continuing my conversation with Charlie. Soon Madison came and sat next to me 'we need to talk' she whispered and winked at me . I laughed as our tutor walked in , first period we both had study hall so that would be the perfect opportunity to speak to her then. After a painful 40 minutes in form and going over the events for the week we made our way out to first period. Me and Charlie walked to his locker as he had gym first period 'I'll see you at break gorgeous' he smiled as he kissed my cheek and intertwined our hands before pulling me into a hug. 'Have fun Charles' I smiled 'I'll miss you Charlotte' he winked before kissing the top of my head and walking off. Madison then came behind me and jumped on my back 'hey loser' I giggled 'hey smelly' we laughed as we made our way to the library to begin our study period. We sat in one of the pods and spoke about everything from Madisons crushes to Charlie 'so you like him then.' Madison asked , I blushed and looked away 'THATS A YES' she screamed jumping up from her seat and pulling me into a hug. 'Okay plan' Madison began ' this weekend we are having a group sleepover , karaoke , face masks with the boys oh and movies' I smiled at the idea. Spending the weekend with Charlie and everyone would be good. The first four periods of the day went quick and soon it was time for lunch. I made my way to a table but couldn't see Charlie. I pulled my phone out and started eating my lunch watching a video on my phone. I felt someone tap me on the shoulder I looked up to see Jeremey and Owen stood above me with smiles on their faces. 

'come with us ' they said giggling like school girls. Confused I got up and followed them as we walked along the hall to the auditorium and under the stage. I was confused until I saw everyone. Charlie came running up to me and spun me around. 'Now there you are' he smiled as he put me down and kissed my cheek. He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the rest of the group to my surprise I looked up to see Jake ... with Savannah 'Bro, what you doing here' I said winking 'Ah you know sis , keeping tabs on you' he playfully pushed my shoulder 'your an idiot Jake' he smiled and walked over to sit on one of the chairs. 'no you don't Charlie said smiling as he pulled me onto his lap , I looked at him and laughed 'you okay there babe' I questioned ... and then realised what I said ' Sorry I mean Charlie' Jadah looked at me 'you just said babe' she smiled 'no ... no i didn't' I quickly say before pulling my phone out. The rest of the lunch period was spent talking about the sleepover which Madison had organised for this weekend which I have now learned my brother and sister will be joining us for and it's being hosted at our house. 

The end of the day came quicker than expected and I was waiting at Charlie's locker for him. 'Hey pretty lady' I heard the familiar voice kiss my cheek 'Ready to go study?' I asked him. 'Lets go' he smiled as we got into his car and made our way to his house. When we arrived Charlie's mum Jeanette was stood out the front sorting the garden out 'Hey son' she smiled 'Hey mum, I want you to meet my friend Charlotte' he smiled as we walked over to her 'Hi Ms Gillespie, It's a pleasure to meet you' I smiled sicking my hand out. She laughed and swatted my hand away 'Charlotte , we don't do hand shakes in this house, we do hug's' she smiled and pulled me into a hug. 'You guys want dinner?' I looked at Charlie and gave him a slight nod . 'Sure' he replied 'but we have some studying to do first'. 

We said our goodbyes to Charlies mum and headed upstairs to Charlie's room. He pulled us onto the bed and I giggled 'Charlie this isn't studying' I said 'I know , I just wanted to cuddle you for a while' I smiled as I laid on his chest looking up at him our hand's intertwined 'take a picture beautiful , it will last longer' I giggled and began rubbing circles on his hand while looking at him. Charlie's eye's kept flicking from my lips to my eyes and back again and slowly I felt both myself and him leaning in. Right as I felt his breathe right in front of my lips his mum shouted from downstairs 'dinner guys' . To say I was disappointed was an understatement as we made our way downstairs to eat dinner. 

During dinner small talk was made with Charlie's mum as we ate the pie she had prepared for us. We then continued studying before Charlie took me home around 9pm. I got changed and quickly got ready for bed as I was so exhausted. All I could keep thinking about ... was the almost kiss. 

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