Chapter 11

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Your P.O.V /Third Person P.O.V
6 Days

"What's a pureblood?" I ask quickly hoping to get some answers. Mark toltts his head sighing for a moment.

" You are a pureblood. A pure blood is someone born of royalty but half angel, half demon." Mark answers casually. You on the other didn't feel so casual, you went frozen. So that's what it is.

" O-OK. Why are we forbidden to meet?" I ask desperately. Mark's eyes darken and sad at the same time

" The prophecy. 'A child born of dark and light must choose a side. Child is beginner and destroyer. Power and Weakness. ' " Mark answers slowly. I looked to him confusion and sadness, I was that child. Now I must choose a side. The Dark being the demon or the light, the angels. Mark's eyes went from their beautiful chocolate to dark black as he froze. I cupped my hand on his cheek rubbing my thumb.

"Mark. Are you okay?" I asked him softly. His eyes went back to their chocolate brown as he looked at me sadly.

"𝙸'𝚖 𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝙸 𝚐𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚊 𝚐𝚘 ." He rushed standing up. I stand up along with him. Just as he was about to walk into a portal, I grabbed his hand.

" Come back tomorrow? Same time." I answer desperately. Why was I so desperate to see him. Yes I liked him but how I was sounding right now was embarrassing. Mark steps closer to you and rubs your shoulders.

" Ill come back I promise." He kissed my forehead causing an electrifying reaction from me. It felt so good. I loved his touch. Mark walked into the portal as I watched him leave, a breeze blowing past me.

I miss him. But which side is he? Light or Dark

////Back At The Angel Castle

Leaning against the balcony you watched the night sky with a small smile. You were alone with your thoughts and all you could think about were his lips on your forehead and other places on your body. His touch was electrifying, you loved it. You wanted more of it. Hearing a knock on the door, you sighed calling out a 'come in'. The door opened and the person stepped in. You didn't bother turning around as you couldn't distract yourself from the sky.

"Im sorry." You heard the voice of Queen Nila. She came and stood next to you with a small smile.

" For?" You questioned not expecting her apology.

" Expecting you to know everything. Yet your we made it so you forgot. I apologize." She apologized. You looked to her with an eyebrow raised.

"What did you make me forget?" I ask curiously. The Queen tenses up and looks away from you.

" You'll remember soon, I promise." She answered turning to smile at you. You narrowed your eyes but agreed either way.
" You know you look just like her."

" Like who? " I question. She tilts her head, a sad smile painting her features.

" Your real mother. That mother you had on Earth wasn't your real mum. That was a decoy to protect you." The Queen bites her lip.

" Where is my mother? "

" Nobody knows as soon as you turned 5 she was apparently killed by the hellcravers. But she isn't dead I can feel it. She's somewhere. " Her expression darkening as she clicks her tongue going back to the subject before.
" From what? You may be thinking from the gastily creatures called demons. They want to rid of you, eliminate you because you can end them in seconds. "

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