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y/n point of view

ring ring.

I sighed after that long lesson in geography as it was extremely boring.

Only good thing about this class was my classmate c/n we would occasionally talk each but it was quite rare.

I found him extremely attractive and he would always catch me staring at him

"this is the magma."

My attention shifted to the back of c/n as I stared intensely not noticing he had turned around making eye contact with me.

My eyes widened at his attractive gaze as I shifted my eyes back at the teacher.

Embarrassing right.

I walked out of the classroom heading into the direction of where me and Alicia were going to meet at lunch.

"hey y/n"

I snapped out of thoughts and turned around.

C/n jogged over to me as he held a pencil.

He tried regaining his breath "yo-you're pencil"he breathed heavily "you forgot it at your desk."he handed me the pencil.

I took a glance at the pencil in my hand noticing it wasn't even my pencil "oh thank you must of forgotten it."

maybe he wanted a reason to talk to me

C/n just smiled at me shyly "uh well uh I was wondering if you was free tonight as I have football game I would like it if you showed up-obviously if you don't want to that's fine"he stumbled over his words.

I glanced at him "I'll see if I can go"I smile softly at him as I take in his facial features.

C/n began walking backwards "uh great then hopefully you can make it"he responds awkwardly.

I nod as I walk over to Alicia discussing if I should show up to the game or not.

"Bitch your going and I'm comin it's obvious he wants you the way he looks at you"Alicia points out "like look now he staring at you".

I look up from my food as I met y/bf eyes as I flashed him a wink.

I soon noticed him becoming flustered and a couple of friends began laughing.

"wow you're bold I taught you well"she laughs.

time skip

I was decided to come to the football game with Alicia.

We sat down on the benches as we arrived 30 minutes late the game had already started.

My eyes trailed along the pitch as I searched for c/n soon heading him he found my face as I gave a him wave.

His lit up giving me a wink as my heart pounded rapidly.

The game was going great c/n was scoring great and his team was winning.

The game ended our school team everyone cheered for our victory.

Alicia decided to stay at the benches as she waited for her boyfriend to come.

I walked in the direction of the car park as I called my mom to pick me up.

Unfortunately I did have much chance to talk to c/n but maybe tomorrow.

I grabbed my phone setting it up as I wanted to film a tik tok video.

I bent down trying to hold my phone.

"what you doing?."

I jumped at the voice as I turned around to see c/n "you scared me"

C/n laughed "so are you going to answer?."he
crouched down to my level.

"filming a tiktok do you want to be in it?"I look over at him "I'm not doing a dance dw just recording my self."

"yes sure"c/n agreed.

I walk over to the kerb as I began walking on it trying to keep my balance as c/n clutched my hand as we both laughed.

I missed a step as I lost balance falling into c/n's chest as we both stared into each other's eyes.

C/n glanced at my lips as he leaned grabbing my jaw as our lips met passionately.

We both pulled away smiling "I'm glad you came to my football game".

"you're welcome but seriously the only reason you gave me that pencil was so you could ask me out and it wasn't even my pencil"I laughed.

C/n became flustered "well my friend said it would be good way to start a conversation with you since I really liked you a lot I was scared to talk to you".

I smiled at his shyness "it's okay I like you too"


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