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prompt: y/bf is sick and he's extremely clingy

y/n point of view

buzz buzz.

I look down at my phone seeing 3 messages that had been sent from y/bf.

BABYYYYY come over

I don't feel good and I miss you 😪

Reply ASAP

I playfully rolled my eyes at his sick self and I quickly gave him a response.

okay chicken I'm coming I'll be 15 minutes❤️❤️

I grabbed my purse as I wanted to go to Sainsbury's to buy him some food and snacks. He seemed extremely fussy over text.

time skip

I finally arrived at y/bf house their was a long line at Sainsbury's and it was really busy so I am quite late I told y/bf I would be here in 15 minutes but it took 40 minutes.

I opened the front door with the key he gave me and I made my way upstairs to his bedroom.


"chicken I'm here" I say as I opened his bedroom door.

Y/bf was laid on his bed with his head under the covers.

I placed down the shopping bag on his side table and I climbed onto his bed I know he wasn't sleeping.

I removed the blanket over his face.

Y/bf had a frown on his face his entire face looked extremely ill and tired.

"you good baby?"I ask him as I stroked his cheek softly.

He just shut his eyes ignoring me.
(this boi 🙄honestly)

I looked at him confused "hey I was talking to you don't ignore me" my hands are still stroking his cheek"

His eyes we're still shut.

I removed my hands from his face as he eyes opened immediately.

I got off from his bed walking into the direction of the exit.

"y/n" y/bf whined "don't go come back here".

I smirked "that's what I thought" I turn back around laying next to him on the bed.

Y/bf placed his head on my chest as my fingers went through his hair as he shut his eyes enjoying the feeling.

His arms around my waist tightened "you took a long time to get here you said you'll be here in 15 minutes".

Y/bf began coughing continuously

"sorry I was at the shop"my brain processed what he said "wait is that why you was ignoring me"I asked him.

He nodded "I thought you wasn't going to come"he coughed.

I rolled my eyes as removed y/bf head off my chest as I got up grabbing the Sainsbury's bag from the side table.

"wait y/n" y/bf sat up he tried grabbing my hand.

I headed out of y/bf bedroom not hearing him.

I found my way to the kitchen getting out the things that I had purchased at the shop.

Y/bf was continuously coughing so I think would help him a lot.

I took out the soup.

I heard y/bf footsteps coming down the stairs once he saw I was in the kitchen he took a deep breath out in relief.

I turn around "why did you follow me go back to bed" I smiled at him as he was hunched over.

Y/bf eyes looked at the soup box that I was holding "I-I" he interrupted his own sentence by coughing "I though...never mind I miss you".

He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"y/bf I'm serious go back to bed I can't concentrate with you being around my body"

Y/bf shook his head tightening the grip around my waist.I rolled my eyes I carried on with the soup.

"you look beautiful"y/bf complimented me.

"shut up"

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