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It crushed you every time you saw them together, him and hisgirlfriend. You were his best friend, yeah, but ever since she came along you felt like that would never change the way you wanted it to. To be honest with yourself, you loved him as a friend, but you liked him as even more. His eyes, his pink lips and his big ears, you found it all adorable, and every little detail only made you love him more. It was something you didn't expect, and you didn't expect it to last this long. You had started liking him as more over a year ago. A whole year ago you realized that you liked your best friend. But, like any sob story friendship, you were scared to tell him, due to the potential to lose him forever. So you put up with your feelings, attempting to push them aside, but it was hard. Every time you saw him it was like falling for him all over again. So you kept this up for a year and some time, and here you were now, sitting on a couch, on a Friday night, watching chick flicks, imagining that it was you and [Y/C/N] instead.
Your parents were out and this is what you did when no one else was home. It was pushing 7:00 and you were having a great time. That was until your phone started ringing.
"Hello?" You had picked up the phone without looking at the caller I.D. and were shocked to hear the crying voice of [Y/C/N] on the other side.
"[Y/N]?" his choked sobs coming through slightly.
"[Y/C/N]? What's wrong?" You asked, concern coming through in your voice.
"Can you come over?" He asked. "Please?"
"Yeah sure, I'll be there soon." You said.
"Okay." He hung up the phone and no sooner than he did, were you up off the couch.
You quickly got up and put your shoes on, grabbing your keys and heading for the garage. After pulling out of your subdivision, it wasn't long until you were in his driveway.
You knocked on the door and opened it soon after. He face was wet from all the tears, and his eyes were puffy. "Hey, [Y/N]." He sniffled.
"Oh, [Y/C/N], what's wrong?" you asked.
He pulled you inside, and he sat you on the couch. And then he was crying with his head in your lap, as you stroked his hair. His tears were staining your jeans, but you were hurting to see him like this and you didn't care.
"I was going to pick up Eleanor, for your date," he began, "And when I got to her house I found her kissing Jacob Lawrence on the front porch swing. She broke up with me and said, 'It's not you, it's me,' and 'we can still be friends,'." You listened intently to his words and felt so bad. How could anyone treat such a wonderful guy so badly?
"I asked her when she had started seeing him, and she said that it was three months ago." He cried some more. "Three months!"
"Shh...shh...It's okay, I'm here." You whispered comfortingly.
He sat up and you wiped his eyes, and rested your hand on his neck, making him look at you.
"[Y/C/N], you are the most amazing guy I've ever met, and she doesn't deserve you, especially if she made you feel this way." You said.
"[Y/N]," he said. "There's something else that you should know."
"What's that?" You asked.
"I'm not even that upset about her, I stopped liking her a while ago." He said.
"Then why-" You tried, but he cut you off.
"I was using her to avoid facing my feelings about you. When she cheated on me and ended it, I was mainly upset to the fact that I wouldn't be able to hide from my inability to date you anymore." He said, the tears starting to go away.
"Inaba-whaaaa?" You said, extremely confused.
"[Y/N], I like you, a lot and I know that we're best friends and all, but I can't from the fact that every time I see you, I want to hug and kiss you like I'm never going to let you go." He said, the tears completely stopping and his red cheeks returning to their normal shade.
"[Y/C/N] I feel the same way!" You exclaimed, smiling.
It didn't take anything else for his lips to be on yours. It was soft, sweet, and more than words could describe. Only a few seconds later he pulled away and said, "Good."

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