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     I was walking down the damp street filled with water mirrors in the ground. It was lightly sprinkling little water bombs and my umbrella was my shield. I could hear the light tapping of water drops hit the top of my umbrella. My nose was cold and I was breathing heavily. I could see white fog come out of my cave partly parted. One hand in my pocket warming up as the other froze holding the neck of my parasol.

I was walking down the empty street until I heard someone to left of me walking. I turn to make eye to eye contact with the person. Beautiful green eyes locked with mine and everything went in slow motion. I looked down at the person and saw a very cute boy looking over his shoulder at me with an umbrella over his shoulder.

I turned around to hide my blush, until he called out for me.

"Hey!" He yelled curiously.

I stopped and turned to face him. "Y-yeah?!" I called back to him.

He was just standing and analyzing me, smiling. "What's your name?" He asked calmly.

I proceeded to walk towards him. "Oh um... I'm y/n...and you are?" I said stopping a few feet away from him.

He smiled and held out his hand. "I'm Aidan, Aidan Gallagher." He said as he shook my hand. His hand was strong but soft. It felt perfect in mine.

"So what are you doing out here in the cold?" He asked.

"Me? Oh I'm out here because..." I slowly lost my words when my eyes went from him to the board above him. It said,

"Super Dysfunctional Family" on the top left corner and "Netflix" on the bottom right corner. It also had 6 different people on it. It was a Netflix show! My eyes had traveled down the people on the board. I started at this gay looking dude then I suddenly stopped at a certain boy...he looked like Aidan! I looked at Aidan and then back up at the picture.


"What is it?" He asked questionably then he turned to see what was behind him to see what I was looking at and his face changed in an instant to a bigger smile.

"Well all be dammed." He said gleefully. Turning his entire body towards the board. That's when I saw a big number 5 in white on his umbrella. What was that about?

"They're advertising it already?" He said.

"What? I don't understand? You know what that is?" I asked pointing up to the picture board.

"Yes as a matter of fact I do." He said turning back around with a grin.

A sudden wave of nervousness rushed through my body. My eyes grew. "Wait your?" I hesitated. "Your him?!" I said pointing up at the boy in the picture with a uniform on.

"Yes, yes I am." He said with a cheeky smile.

"Oh, that's so cool! Your on a Netflix show!"

He chuckled looking down. It was cute.

"So...your an actor?!" I said with excitement.

"Ya I am." He said taken a step closer to me.

"Well that's really cool! I've never met an actor before. This must be my lucky day!" I said with a jokingly laugh.

He chuckled once more at the ground and said, raising his head up to look at me, "Just yours?" Then he smiled softly and looked at me with admiration.

I stopped laughing and my face relaxed and my mouth parted from shock. A tint of pink grew upon my cheeks and smiled at him shyly.

He scoffed a bit under his breath before coming up to me with a smirk. His hand in one pocket and the other holding his umbrella just as I was previously doing.

"You didn't finish answering my question y/n." Aidan said in a deep and yet soft voice. I grew tense and I completely forgot everything.

"I-I...." Was all I could say.

He laughed a bit and then put his umbrella over both of us before gripping mine and closing it. He hung the hook of it on his arm that was holding up the umbrella he was using and came inches apart from my face and asked, "You wanna grab lunch with me?"

I froze and was shocked. He was asking me out wasn't he...

He looked down at me with a grin on his face and held out his hand for me to take. I stared down at it hesitatingly, before I sucked up my courage and took it. He smiled and pulled me close to him by my waist. We began to walk still looking at each other, before he broke eye contact and looked forward with a smirk and held me close underneath his number 5 umbrella.

Aidan Gallagher Imagines Where stories live. Discover now