Yo mama

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Yo mama so fat, she has a real horse on her polo shirt. 🐴

Yo mama so stupid, she walked into an antique shop, and asked what's new?☺️

Yo mama so stupid, she got hit by a parked car. 😊

Yo mama so stupid, she got locked in a grocery store and starved to death.😜

Yo mama so stupid, she got locked in Sleep Train and slept on the floor. 😉

Yo mama so fat, not even Dora the Explorer could explore her. 😝

Yo mama so fat, I tried to go around her, but I got lost! 😬

Yo mama so fat, she threw a rock at the ground and missed.

Yo mama so fat, she left the house in high heels and when she came back, she had flip flops.

Yo mama so stupid, she bought tickets to Xbox live!

Yo mama so fat, she doesn't need the internet.... she's already worldwide!

Yo mama so fat, that when she stepped on a scale, the doctor was all like "That's my phone number!!!!!"

Yo mama so fat, she sat on Walmart and lowered the prices.

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