Chapter 19 - Leyton's POV

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"Go easy on my whisky," Cal said before drinking straight from the other whisky bottle in his hand.

"You," Reid pointed at Cal, "are going to need a liver transplant. And you," he pointed at me, "fucked up."

I groaned, glaring at him.

"You should've seen how bloody the wall was," Kai said in an ominous tone. He was exaggerating but it did get bloody.

I winced as I remember the blood on my wife's abused pussy. The same pussy I've been worshiping the past month. I was so fucking careful not to lose control of her. I told her I was going to make it special. Fuck, her dried blood is still on my dick as we speak. I choked as I felt like I was going to throw up. I felt physically sick.

"So, you left your wife at home after taking her in the most barbaric way?" Cal egged me on.

"I always told him this was a bad idea," Reid added.

"Shut the fuck up," I gritted giving them a warning glare.

I knew what I was going to get coming here and summoning these idiots. We always loved to tease and torture each other. But right now, I've had enough of these assholes.

Except, that's me. I'm the asshole. Always was and apparently, still am. Fucking hell.

My head was pounding and I know it's not from the alcohol. I could still see her tear-stained face, the way her eyes widened in panic and agony as I fucked her without restraint. I could still hear her silent cries as she clung to me, my skin wet from her tears. She didn't push me away and suffered as I took her like a demon-possessed.

My wife stayed resilient and faced my monster as she bravely endured the nightmare I made her experience. Except, she shouldn't have to fucking endure anything. Much less from me. She didn't deserve wht happened. She deserved everything while I didn't fucking deserve her. I don't think anyone does.

What is about her that makes my head go haywire? I'm acting like a fucking lunatic in anything that concerns her. There must be some sort of an explanation for this iintense ache in my chest and the madness that I feel for her.

The feelings I have for her are so intense, I don't know how to control them. I tried. I fucking tried. But I still ended up fucking it all up. Fuck.

Maybe Reid was right. It was a bad idea to make her marry me. I was bad for her. I am bad for her.

She deserved a nice guy like fucking Aiden or the idiotic Mitchell. She deserved a nice and sweet guy but she got me instead. The certified asshole.

I wanted her from the very first time I saw her in the hospital six years ago.

The hospital was a project and collaboration we had with Kai's parents and we needed to check on the ventilation system. I just got out of a meeting and was on my way out when I saw her standing in the middle of the hallway with a lost expression on her beautiful face.

What the hell was I doing, ogling this kid? I had thought. She looked like she was fifteen? Sixteen?

She was young, a bit too young for me but that didn't stop me from looking at her as I felt a jolt in my chest. Something I've never felt before. Even with my then-girlfriend.

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