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"This song is way too emotional for me."

I sat down at the couch beside Lisa after our first set of rehearsal. Jisoonie and Jennie unnie are at the other end of the studio. I noticed that Lisa is so silent and cold this day, this is very unusual. She's always so cheery, energetic and most days she is the one who brings life to the group.

"Lisa-yah I'm hungry," I leaned on Lisa's shoulder.

"I got snacks in my bag, go grab whatever you want," Lisa answered while editing pictures on her phone.

"Why do you seem so quiet today? Is there something wrong?"

Lisa shook her head, I glanced at Jennie who's busy giggling with Jisoonie and Teddy. I kept on wondering what has gotten into this Lalisa, why is she so serious today? I'm guessing it's because of Jennie but they've already settled things, though. So, what is it?

"Lisa, are you alright?" she nodded while her eyes are still focused on her phone.

"Are you sure?" she glared at me, I beamed sweetly then leaned on her shoulder.

I approached our unnies and joined their happy conversation. I was gleefully laughing with Jennie and Jisoo but I still can't help but have quick glances at my loner best friend, Lalisa Manoban.

"Chaeyoung, what's wrong with that girl?" Jisoo's subtly pointing at Lisa.

"Unnie, good thing you asked! I was dying to ask you both the same question," I scratched my nape.

"I'm not sure which is colder if it's the weather today or her," Jennie cutely pouted, doing her usual aegyo.

"Maybe she's on her period?" Jisoo snapped while trying to wink.

"Jisoonie, don't force it. It's fine," I giggled, Jisoonie pouted, I kissed her cheeks, "I'm kidding, unnie."

"Ladies, break time's over, let's proceed to the second set."

We all stood up and proceeded to our rehearsal room. Jisoo, Jennie and I are silently observing Lisa. We're still on the midst of testing waters whether to ask further questions or prolly just let this odd ambiance pass.

"I just want you to stay," I sang my part with all my heart, I really love this song, it literally brings so much emotions out of me.

"In your expressionless face that's getting more dull," I saw Jennie's eyes starting to tear up, she's staring at Lisa while singing this line, "oh-oh," her voice suddenly cracked at the end which made Teddy discontinue playing the music.

"Jennie, what's up?"

Teddy's worriedly looking at Jennie, she immediately wiped the droplet of tear that fell from her eye before anyone could even notice it. Seriously, unnie? You can't hide from your apprentice spy cause I notice everything.

"You know what? You girls should head home and rest, I guess your voices are starting to weaken cause it's kinda getting late. Let's just resume tomorrow, alright? It's a wrap, ladies!" Teddy clapped his hands then made his way out of the studio immediately.

"Are you alright, Jennie unnie?" I instantly hugged Jennie as soon as Teddy left the studio.

"Yes, I guess I'm just tired. Thanks sweetie," she beamed sweetly at me then caressed my cheek.

I saw Lisa did a quick glance on Jennie then focused back her attention on her damn phone. God, what the hell's going on? How can I see everything but can only do nothing? These two are kind of acting like teenagers who are on a love quarrel. Should I get used to these kind of scenes? Might as well, oh god!

"Chaeyoungie, I want to sit at the the back with Lali. Can you sit beside Jennie on our way home?"

"Yes, sure unnie."

Jisoo immediately sat at my spot beside Lisa. I turned around to check how they both were doing back there. Lisa is still busy with her phone while Jisoonie's signaling me through an eye contact, not sure what message she's trying to send, though. I can't always read minds, I mouthed her a 'what' then she showed me her phone. Right, I get it now.

"Ask Lisa how she's doing loudly," Jisoo's message to me, I cleared my throat and did what Jisoonie ask me to do.

"Lisa-yah, are you okay?" I said in my softest voice, almost trying to let everybody sleep by it's calmness. Lol

"Yes bro, just having a little bit of headache."

"Then stop using your phone and rest your eyes, come here, I'll massage your head."

"I'm fine Jisoonie," Jisoo pulled Lisa to lean on her shoulder then gently caressed her head.

"You miss home, don't you?" Jisoo said softly, Lisa sat up straight with a surprised reaction.

"How'd you know?" Lisa pouted.

"I can sense it," Jisoo smirked.

I'm surprised of how keen observant Jisoonie is, though Lisa is my best friend there are still things about her that puzzles me. But Jisoonie? She's like our mother who knows every bit of emotions that we're feeling without us having to tell her.

"Yea, I forgot my daddy's birthday. If my mom didn't remind me about it, I would never remember it," she leaned at the car window.

"Is it today?" I faced them then glanced at Jennie.

"My mom reminded me about it just today, but his birthday was last week," she took a deep sigh.

"No wonder you're feeling low today, why don't we take out some food before going home? Then maybe we can buy your daddy a cake and celebrate together at home?" Jisoo smiled at me then Jennie, signaling us to cheer and encourage Lisa more.

"That sounds fun, Lisa-yah! What do you think?" I said while clapping my hands and giggling energetically.

"I don't know," she faced down and started to play with the hanging loose strings of her hoodie.

"Please? We want you to smile and not feel sad about it anymore. And besides, it's better late than never!" I held her hand tightly.

"Uh, okay let's do it," she smirked shyly.

"Yahooooo!!" Jisoo cheered loudly and all of us started to laugh.

Jennie's smiling from ear to ear right now, I'm thinking that she was just silently waiting for either Jisoo or me to comfort Lisa, since she couldn't do it herself. I'm glad I saw both Jennie and Lisa smile before this day would finally end.

I despise seeing any of my members sad. Because to be honest, these girls are like my family, so when one of them is sad, I feel sad too. Now I'm feeling better that everything's back to normal, Jennie's smiling and Lisa's being goofily annoying again.

"Happy birthday, daddy!" Lisa greeted her dad via facetime, "I missed your birthday, I'm sorry daddy!" Lisa pouted cutely.

Then we sang happy birthday to her daddy, Lisa blowed the cake for him. We all cheered and greeted Lisa's dad. Her mom was a bit teary while seeing her daughter doing her best to make her dad happy.

Awww, this scene makes me cry. I feel so emotional, I hugged Lisa and started to cry. I wiped my tears and saw Jennie crying too. Lisa started to tear up as well while Jisoo's laughing at us, she put icing on our noses to stop us three from crying then we group hugged. This moment is literally one for the books that I'll never ever forget.

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