Chapter 9

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Going through the clothes Masela's and I had shopped for a week ago,I picked out a baby pink crop,a denim high waist and white sneakers and put them on. While shopping I had chosen bright coloured clothes compared to my usual dull colour. They reminded me of my mother and wearing them would make me feel closer to her. Looking at myself in the mirror, I noticed I had started gaining back some weight. Masela was still on my case about me finishing my meals and taking my daily intake of vitamins and I had slowly fallen into a routine that involved,waking up,feeding Fiesta,taking a shower,having breakfast,sneaking into Masela's library,picking a few books and returning the once I had already finished,spending the rest of the day in my bedroom, having dinner with Masela then crying myself to sleep. We had gotten to talking a lot and I had suggested to him I was thinking of enrolling for a degree in medicine. He had gladly agreed offering to pay for my college tuition which I appreciated but also told him I'd look for a scholarship too.

He had said it was a really good idea and that he was proud of me for trying to move on with my life. He had also talked to me about taking self defence classes from his head of security to improve my psychological and physical status.

At first,I had found that suggestion as far fetched considering how unfit I was. Then later that day I had receiving a call from Officer Ending'o telling me that they had some close leads on the people responsible for murdering my parents. He had then proceeded to say that he thought it would be a good idea if I stayed away from my hometown for a while,because there was a possibility that i might be in danger too. After disgusting that information,I had decided I would need the self defence classes. If that murderer was thinking of coming after me,then he was definitely going to find me prepared. I had then called Masela and asked him to make arrangements for me to start the self defence classes which he had gladly agreed and promised that he was going to make the necessary arrangements.

I put my long kinky hair in a high bun picked up Fiesta in my arms,and left my bedroom,for the library. As I was closing my bedroom door I felt a presence behind me. Turning,I came face to face with Tori and Shiky,who I had successfully been able to avoid till now. They were coming out of Shiky's room each holding a beer in their hand. As I was I opening the door to duck to back into my room thinking that they hadn't seen me yet, I saw Tori look at me "Woah...woah...hold up. Who do we have here?" He asked grinning, as he started walking towards me. Tori was quite handsome, more handsome than in the photo. His dreadlocks were longer than in the photo and he was more bulky. He was dressed in denim matching jacket and trouser,a white t-shirt and white sneakers and a pair of designer shades. He looked really good and as he closed the distance between us,I smelled his expensive perfume. It smelled like a mixtfwo. He was now walking circles around me and Shiky came from behind him and smacked his head." T...stop being a creep. You are making her nervous."She spoke to him laughing as he fake cried out in pain. She then turned to me offering me a slender hand with perfectly manicured finger tips."Don't mind him. He is a clone. My name is Shiky."she offered with a wide smile, exposing a perfect set of white teeth. "I'm Lulu,it's nice to finally meet you." I greeted her back as I finally took in her appearance. She was gorgeous,an epitome of female perfection. She looked like a runway way model out of a fashion magazine,with legs for days that seemed to stopped right under her earlobes. She was dressed in a little black body con dress and she was barefoot. Her eye make up was minimal with a bold red lipstick and her human hair fell loosely on her back up to her waist. Her perfume smelled sweet with a fruity scent.

"I was wondering when you were finally going to come out of that hole of a room you've been hiding. You are so pretty. Oh my god, T isn't she a doll. Look at her eyes...You look like a walking black barbie. Wow...I'm shocketh!"Shiky spoke in her high voice as she. She was the one now the one going in circles around me. Her brother then approached her and smacked her,just like she had,him"Shiky...stop being a creep. You are making her nervous."Don't mind her. She is a clone. My name is Tori."He repeated her words as he held out his hand which I shook as we all broke out laughing." Its meet you... Tori,I'm...Lulu. "I spoke with difficulty still laughing.

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