Chapter 1 Day 0

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I don't care to live here forever if I know I'm not wanted, I mean I'm going to be dropped soon.

I'm a teenager, a 16 year old, nobody wants a teenager. Even if that teenager is quiet and nerdy, nobody wants one.

"Hey Colby" I sigh, Sam's My bestfriend Practically my Brother, I hope he Doesn't end up like me.

"What's wrong?" Hes Upset, I can tell "I was about to put in a home, like Being adopted but then I asked if you can come and they suddenly changed to 'I'm sorry but we changed our minds' but then I see a young girl the age of 5 go with them into the room" I sigh  of course he didn't leave me, I'm no use, im leaving soon anyways "You could have left me you know" he leans against the wall with a confused frown "No fucking way I'm doing that Colby" I Nod, maybe the roof will make him happy "Want to go to the roof?" He smiles "really" I nod, The Goofball.

We sit on top of the roof, I want to Freeze this moment for a couple days, not forever, just a couple days will be "Colby.. Colby would ever want me as a brother?" I look at him hold my arms out and he snuggles into them "Of Course Silly who wouldn't..that's all I ever want Sam" We sit there watching the sunset.

After 4 hours of sitting up there and small conversations I Give him an idea "Want to sleep up here for tonight?" His eyes light up and He smiles like an angel "Yes! Can we?!" I nod Laughing.

He goes to get the extra blankets while I sit on the roof getting an area cleaned for us

"Ok colby I got this big fuzzy blanket I found in the back of the extra and these small ones to cover us" I grab the big Fuzzy one.. Never knew we had one, Soon it's close to night and we decide to watch for the stars. I always loved Stars.

A star appears right above me, Dull but still bright, I stare at it watching another appear Bigger, Stronger and Brighter than The first..  Like Me and Sam, I will Come first But be weaker and So much Duller, and Sam, Strong Happy and Bright. I just hope he doesn't Get Sad when I leave.

Even though were laying on other side of the Blanket I can see Him staring at the sky, I ask him again "Colby?" I sit up the blanket falling off around me "Yeah Sam?" He says looking at me with a sigh, I shiver and pull the blanket back up around me "Do You really want to be my brother?" He opens his arms and I lay in them looking at the two stores "Of course.. I Always wanted you as a brother" I look up at him "I want a family that Will take me and you... a family that can take us on Stupid Roadtrips That No siblings like... A family that can Bring us to the LA Zoo Or an Aquarium... Or To a One Direction Concert.. Nialls Still mine By the way...But..what I want most is Christmas" Here in an Orphanage Theres to much children to have Christmas, Almost like the Home Alone Movie except We don't go on Vacations to Hawaii or New York much less Parents. How many Years since I had a real Christmas "Who's your One Direction Boyfriend?" He laughs but answers "Louis" I Smile looking up at him "But Louis Is Harry's Not yours" he laughs "You actually Believe in Larry?" I nod "It Is legitimately true Though.. Have you seen them two?" he laughs "Ok ok ok"

and that's how it was For the rest of my night, Talking about One Direction, Larry Stylinson and Families... I Wonder what those 2 stars mean to him.

Wasnt as good as the first chapter, but I tried to rewrite this as best as I can. I still think the first one was better than this one.

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