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A/n: there will be technological stuff in here. Just wanted to say that I know nothing about engineering and am barely passing my DT class so most of this will not be true or make sense or will be very basic. Do not trust me, I'm awful with technology and electrical stuff.

Annabeth's eyes were blurred with tears. She kept walking, further and further into the woods. The words just kept playing over and over again in her head. I'm sorry. More tears. I like Jason. Raspy sobs. I just don't feel that way for you anymore. Strangled crying. I can't anymore. She kept walking and crying, her sobs echoing through the forest. She thought they would be together forever. She thought they would last a lifetime and more.

She didn't know where she found the energy to keep walking. All she knew was that she wanted to get away. She wanted away from him and just everyone. She kept gasping for breath. She felt sick to her stomach. She wanted to sit down and cry what was left of her shattered heart out.

From somewhere to her left she heard someone call out. The next thing she knew, a person like shape collided with her side, sending them both spralling on the floor. Right where she had been standing came a loud thud. Someone groaned beside her.

Annabeth sat up slowly rubbing her head. Lying on the floor next to her was another girl. She was wearing a flannel shirt, jeans and welding goggles on the top of her head. Annabeth looked over to where the thud had come from; large net spanning a few feet. The girl groaned again and sat up. "Sorry. The net's electric," she mumbled, so quietly Annabeth almost missed it. Her accent confused her, like it couldn't make up it's mind as to where it was from. It was almost British but at the same time not.

"What?" she asked. The girl rolled her eyes.
"The net that was about to fall onto your head right there is electric." She spoke slowly to exaggerate her point. Annabeth sighed at her antics and stood up with little grace. The girl followed suit, dusting off her trousers. "You alright?" she asked, the biting tone gone. Annabeth nodded. "Rory."

"My name. It's Rory," she replied smiling. "I take your the famous Annabeth?" Annabeth grimaced. She hated being reffered to as 'famous'. Rory took the hint and nodded. "Sorry about that. The net, I mean." Annabeth chuckled quietly.

"It's fine." Rory smiled and pulled a small remote from her back pocket. She aimed it at the net and pressed the red button. The buzzing Annabeth had failed to notice stopped. She began gathering the net in her arms, struggling to hold it all. Annabeth walked over and took some from her. "Need some help?" Rory nodded and chuckled. "Yeah. Could you help me bring it to Bunker 9? I'm gonna have to work on it a little longer."

"Yeah sure," Annabeth agreed. Together they carried the net through the woods and towards the bunker. Annabeth was extremely glad that Rory hadn't mentioned, or seemingly noticed at all, her puffy and bloodshot eyes.

The pair walked in silence until they reached the bunker. By this point the sun was just starting to dip beyond the horizon. Rory punched in the code and the doors slid open. Annabeth turned on the lights and they out the net on one of the many work benches that lined the walls. Rory was panting slightly from the exertion. "Thanks," she said between breaths. Annabeth leant against the wall. A few things had changed since she was last there. There were more benches, more shelves for tools, the lighting was better, and a ladder was propped against one wall, leading up into what appeared to be an attic crawl space. "Ummmm, you good? You kinda...drifted off there." Annabeth hadn't even noticed. "Uh, yeah, I'm fine," she said taking a deep breath to steady herself. Rory nodded but still seemed wary. She sat down, took out a large battery from the net and began rummaging through one of the draws to find something else.

Annabeth got up to leave but was stopped when Rory spoke again. "There's no point going back, dinner'll be done by the time you get there. The draw next to you has some food in, and upstairs there are some sleeping bags. We brought them in a while back." Annabeth opened the draw to find packets of crisps and other unhealthy snacks. "Didn't say it was good food," Rory chuckled. She seemed to find what she was looking for and began attaching it where the old battery was. "There. Hopefully it won't heat up to much this time." Rory yawned and stretched up. Annabeth took a look as to what had been placed in the net. Another, slightly bigger, battery. She took this time to examine the net more closely. It had copper wiring rapped around the rope, clearly there to conduct the electricity. "Couldn't you use multiple batteries connecting to different parts if the copper to prevent it from overheating?" she thought out loud. Rory mumbled something that alot like 'smart-ass'. "Well I would but we don't have enough to go around, and we can't order more until next month," she explained. Annabeth yawned and leant against the table for support. "Better get you to bed before you pass out," Rory joked. In truth, Annabeth felt like she wanted to pass out, to pretend the previous day was just a dream. She walked alugglishly to the ladder and started climbing, Rory following close behind. Eventually they were both settled into the sleeping bags and drifting off.

Sorry the chapter is so short

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