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"Hello, I'm detective Vargas, this is my partner Detective Honda, and we look forward to working with you," He smiled. He seemed like such a nice guy; I would feel bad if I had to crush all of his hopes and dreams. "I see; you are also on the case with me?" I asked. They both looked around nervously. "Oh god, no, not that it is bad, but we work with cold cases. You will most likely be with Detective Beilschmidt and Detective Carriedo," they smiled. "We will introduce them to you after the tour," Vargas smiled. "Oh right, you do not need to be so formal with us, my name is Feli, and his name is Kiku, so feel free to call us that," Feli added.

"So, as you can see, this is the main area where everyone has all their desks. We know you are from England, so we did not know how your offices were set up," He laughed nervously.
"This will be your desk, so feel free to put any of your things down right now and mark up your territory, hahaha," he added. I nodded, placed my things on the desk, and continued to follow them throughout the department.

"The whole building is the police station, and all types of cases are sent here. Whether from child abuse cases to suicides to even homicides and such. The building has everything, and our department is a small portion of that," Feli spoke, and I was interested in what he was telling me. "So, of course, you will be mostly on this floor unless you need to go to any other departments for anything. The restrooms are down that way, along with the break room, and these big rooms are the conference areas. They are used for conferences and meetings between team members when dealing with cases."

"How long have the two of you worked here?" I asked. They both looked young, but I could be wrong. "Fun fact, Kiku and I started around the same time, so it's been six years," my mouth dropped from shock. "Wow, you two look so young, though!" I was amazed. "We are only Twenty-eight but thank you," Kiku laughed. "How about you?" Feli asked. "I am 26, so I started working as a detective when I turned Twenty-one," I explained. "Wow, how cool! Haha," Feli laughed sweetly.

"Okay! Let's find your team members for that case you have. They might be in one of the conference rooms," they started to lead me to this room and urged me to go in first. I opened the door and saw an albino man with another man with chocolate brown hair. "Hello, I am the new transfer, and I was told I would be working with you on a case,"  I spoke nervously. "Ahhh, yes! Englishman!" The albino one said. I looked to Feli and Kiku, who gave me a thumbs up, soon taking off.

"I am detective Beilschmidt, but you can drop formality and call my Gilbert. I am in charge of forensics for the case, and this is detective Carriedo, but you can call him Antonio. His specialty for the case was originally cyber security, but he had to do a lot of hands-on work after losing our last team member," Gilbert smiled a little. "Oh, my name is Arthur Kirkland; I look forward to working with the two of you," I smiled. 

"Wait, you say you lost a team member... did they transfer?" I asked, confused. They both grew silent, staring down at their papers. "Well..... he was attacked by the animal and passed away last week," Antonio spoke sadly. My mouth dropped, and I felt terrified. "But do not worry, we will make sure that you will not be hurt; we will not lose another team member," Gilbert said seriously. I felt my face straighten out as I looked at them. "When can I start helping?" I asked.

Their faces were shocked, as if they expected me to refuse to work with them. "You aren't going to ditch?" Antonio asked. "Never, I want to help you find out what is happening. So whether I am on the front lines or in the field, I will do anything to help! What is my first task?"I asked, seriously. They both smiled hopeful, nodding their heads in acceptance. "The first thing we need you to do is take the rest of today and tomorrow to analyze all the files and documents we have on this case. When you are done, we will meet to discuss our next move with you."

"Thank you! I won't let you down," I smiled. Gilbert handed me a whole box of documents and looked at me with hope. "While you do that, Gilbert and I will be going over the forensics of victims and watching cameras to see if we can catch anything," Antonio spoke. "Alright then, I will get to work so we can quickly move on to the next phase of this case," I said.

I waved goodbye to them and walked toward my desk. I placed a picture of me with my brothers on my desk and any other supplies I needed. I sat down with the file box and slowly opened it up. The idea of possibly dying was scary, but the thought of helping others encountered me to make sure this case gets closed, and we find the animal behind the killings.

I took out the first file that was the first killing and slowly started to read everything. The selfish idea of wanting to be the best detective soon went away as I had a new goal in mind. I needed to bring justice to the families who had lost someone in the past month. I needed to protect future families as well and stop any future deaths.

Thank you for reading so far ❤️❤️❤️

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