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Once noon came around, all my coworkers and I met up at the front of the building for Alfred. "Hey! It's so nice to see you again!" I heard Alfred's cheer. He came in for a giant hug and I felt warm inside. It was nice seeing him again. He stopped suddenly to look at everyone and smiled. "Well, introduce me!" He demanded. "Everyone, this is Alfred... we kind of grew up with each other. Alfred, this is Gilbert, Antonio, Feli, and the quiet one is kiku," I smiled pointing to everyone.

"Nice to meet you all," Alfred smiled at everyone. I noticed how Alfred was a little bashful when looking at Kiku and I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking. "Where are we going?" Alfred asked. "To MY favorite food place down the street," Gilbert announced. "Why don't we go where everyone else likes?" Antonio said, annoyed. "How about pizza? I can always go for pizza," Feli cheered. "There is a cafe around the corner; we will just go there," I said rolling my eyes. We would be stuck here arguing about where to eat for hours.

"How did you know I was in France?" I asked.
"Your brothers told me.... however, I am hurt that you didn't tell me. Where are you staying?" Alfred asked. "Sorry about that, I've just been busy with this new case. And I live pretty close, maybe about two blocks down that way," I pointed. "Well, I understand that, but I could have helped you move. Try not to stress yourself out so much. I mean, you are about to be thirty soon. Maybe think about dating?" He suggested. I started to laugh out loud at the thought. "I'm not that old."

"The day anyone finds me remotely attractive is the day I buy you and Mattie a new car," I laughed. "Hey, don't say that... us college students love free stuff. Mattie and I might end up making a dating account for you," Alfred laughed. "Oh please, how about you worry about yourself? When I meet the right one, I will tell you," I said, shaking my head.

Once we arrived in front of the cafe, we all took a seat around a table. "Okay, Kiku and I can't stay long because we both have a meeting at one" Feli laughed nervously. "Oh man, I really wanted to get to know you all. Say Kiku! How old are you?" Alfred asked; looking like a little puppy. "Twenty-Eight..." Kiku said with a smile. "Wow!!! We are around the same age!!! What is happening here?" Alfred giggled. "Alfred, you are Twenty...." I spoke. Everyone laughed as Antonio nudged Alfred.

For the rest of the lunch break, there was a lot of laughing and just enjoyment. It felt great to talk with everyone other than at work. It helped me clear my mind, and I felt content. "Alrighty, it's time for us to go. Alfred, we will ask Arthur for your number later. Maybe we can go out for drinks sometime," Feli cheered. "That would be great," Alfred responded. Soon after, Gilbert and Antonio got up as well. "Alrighty, we have to go too. Antonio's friend asked us to meet up soon. We will see you tomorrow Arthur," Gilbert smiled.

We all waved goodbye to one another slowly. Soon it was just Alfred and I sitting together and enjoying our drinks.  "So, how is Mattie doing?" I asked. "Oh, he is great, as usual," Alfred smiled. "Do you want to walk around for a bit?" I asked. "Oh yeah! Do you have to go back to work?" He asked. "No, don't worry.... also how about we just speak English for once," I laughed, changing to English. "Thank you, sometimes my mouth hurts from always speaking French. I have no idea how Mattie does it so easily," he laughed.

~Francis pov~
What am I doing? I shouldn't always watch Arthur, but I can't help it. I just want to know what he is up to all the time. I was just minding my own business when I saw him and a group of coworkers sit down for lunch. It looked really fun, and I wish I could join. Soon after most of them left, Arthur was alone with a guy. He looked younger than Arthur, so I wondered how he even worked in the department as Arthur. Maybe he is an intern or something?

They both started to get up and walk away, and I wanted to keep following them for some reason. I tried to listen to what they were saying, but it seemed like they were speaking English. The guy suddenly put an arm around Arthur, and it pissed me off for some reason.

I continued to watch them both curiously, and besides that one guy being touchy-feely with Arthur, it was pissing me off. I felt unfortunate..... Lucille was right. Having feelings for a human was pointless. They will age, and I will be forever stuck in time. I tilted my head to watch them, and I felt sad. I wouldn't be able to offer anything unique to Arthur. He deserves to live a long and happy life with whoever he loves. Although I wanted to punch that guy in the face and take off with Arthur... I knew that I couldn't just do that.

My phone started to buzz, and my eyes widened when I saw it was from Arthur. I looked back at him, and he had a smile. Was that for me?.... I don't understand. I opened the message and read it. "Come over tonight and watch a movie with me," it read. I smiled for a second and almost felt my heart start to beat. "Yes!" I responded. I should probably stay away from Arthur... but I don't know if I'm strong enough to do something like that. I looked back at him and that guy, and I wanted so badly for that to be me with him. I want to grow old too, and even have a family.... but I can't.

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