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"You make me feel alive..." Francis spoke quietly. It was enough to wake me up and stay still. His cold lips were pressed against mine sweetly. I felt immense affection that he put into the kiss. He kissed my cheeks, then my jaw and chin. I felt his breath travel down my neck as he paused for a second. I was too nervous to move, I didn't want to scare him away. "You smell so sweet," he spoke lovingly. Once he finally kissed my neck, I felt his passion stab me in the heart. What was he feeling? Sadness? Love? I didn't understand.

Francis placed my head back on my pillow, and I heard him sit up from the bed and head toward my window. I waited to open my eyes when I heard him open the window. What was he going to do? I slowly and quietly turned on my side and opened my eyes. My heart suddenly stopped as he jumped off the ledge. I quickly jumped up to see, but he had already fallen over. Did he kill himself? But why? I thought.

I quickly ran toward the window, and my eyes widened as I saw him literally land on his feet. "What the actual fuck?" I managed to say. My mouth dropped as I tried to call out to him. However, I couldn't say anything out of shock. I live on the sixth floor! How could someone do that? I watched as Francis suddenly disappeared. "What?! That was fa-.." I tried to say, but I stopped.

My eyes widened as I fell down on my floor. I felt horror sweep through my body as I tried to move my legs. "What the hell?" I said, looking down. I slowly crawled over to my phone and dialed Antonio's number. "Hey, do you have any of your equipment on you?" I asked through the phone. "Arthur, it's five in the morning; can't this wait?" He asked. "No, you need to come to my house right away," I spoke nervously.  "Ugh... I'll call Gilbert, and we will be there soon," he said, annoyed. I did just wake him up, so that makes sense.

I threw myself back on the floor as I tried to process everything again. "None of this makes sense..." I said nervously. This is just a suspicion I have; I could be wrong. Yet, it doesn't hurt to just do a little digging on him.

Antonio and Gilbert showed up around seven, and thank god Antonio brought his equipment. "Okay, are you going to explain what is wrong?" Antonio asked. "Not yet, but I need your computer to look someone up. Just give me a second," I explained. He handed me the computer as he and Gilbert sat on my sofa. I quickly typed Francis's name and waited for the background checks to pop up.

A few names popped up with little information attached, let alone a picture. However, one profile caught my eye. The man looked exactly like Francis. However, it dates back to around 1960. As I scroll, I see another profile that dates back to the 1940s. It says that in 1960, he was a massive civil rights activist who had been arrested multiple times in America. That same year, many strange murders occurred that were connected to him... however, he disappeared a year later.

In the 1940s, it says that Francis was a soldier who fought on the side of Britain. However, it says he was killed in combat. As I keep scrolling, I find one for every decade from the past century. Each person with a similar physical profile, as well as age. That cannot be a coincidence....right?  I finally stopped at the oldest record. It dates back to the early 1800s here in France. It is a death certificate for Francis and a woman named Lucile. Both with the same last names imply they could be related in some way.

I started to look up that woman's name... and behold..... she popped up in the same places and years that Francis was in—staying the same age every decade. How is this even possible? If what I'm seeing is true, Francis is probably more than 200 years old, maybe more? And his sister is just a tad younger. My eyes grew wide as I stared at the computer in horror.

Wouldn't this mean I've been around Francis....while he was killing innocent people? No... I can't tell anyone this yet. I need to confront him and get the facts straight, I am going to find him no matter what. "Arthur, did you find what you were looking for?" Antonio asked. I looked at them and showed a small smile. "No luck... I thought I had something there. I am so sorry that you had to come out here for no reason," I laughed nervously.

"It's not a problem with me; I'm glad you are at ease now; you kinda freaked us out," Gilbert laughed. "Well, will we see you at work later?" Antonio asked. "Maybe not today; I think I'm going to stop by the library and do some research. I will just see the two of you on Monday," I explained.

They both nodded at me and took all of their things. I feel bad for not saying anything, but this is personal now. I need to find out if they are the same people. Last night, Francis seemed shaken up. I'll go to the library and collect information before I go to his house and try to find him. I need to be prepared for anything because I could be dealing with a ...... god, I hate to say it. A vampire... but a murderer at that. He and his sister are murderers... but there isn't an exact system to deal with these things. I will just have to tell Antonio and Gilbert after I've figured everything out.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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