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"Arthur! We caught them!" Antonio yelled, grabbing me. My eyes widened as I started to go with him. "What do you mean? Be specific!" I demanded. "There was a camera that caught the latest attack, and I think I can try and do a face scan," He smiled. My eyes widened as relief filled my body. I had asked them to see if there were any cameras, and we got lucky this time.

We both came into the conference room where Gilbert was already. "Did you watch it yet?" I asked. "No, we were waiting for you," Antonio said. "Has anyone else seen this video?" I asked, taking a seat in front of the screen. "No one..." Gilbert replied. All three of us sat beside each other as Antonio began to play the video.

The video was in black and white and started slow. No one was around, and the video was a little fuzzy. Then suddenly a man entered the picture. "Alright, we have the victim there," I spoke. The man was shuffling around for his keys in an empty parking lot. After some time, there was a glitch, and another person was in the picture.

It was a woman; she had long blonde hair and was wearing heels and a tight-fitting dress. She and the man began to talk for a while until she started coming closer. "So our suspect is a woman?" Gilbert asked. Suddenly and forcefully, the woman pushed the man to the ground. It made all of us jump as we continued to watch. The woman looked as if she was hitting the man's neck. "What the fuck!?" Antonio gasped.

Soon after the man stopped moving, another person entered the picture. He crossed his arms as he stared at the woman finish. Once the woman finished, she kicked the victim's body to the side and started talking to the man who appeared to have slightly long hair. The man wore a suit or formal wear. I continued to watch, and before I knew it, the two suspects left the scene together in a flash.

Once the video ended, everyone in the room stayed silent about what we saw. "I'll go ahead and play it again, so we can make sure we saw that correctly," I laughed nervously. "Guys... I was just joking. I didn't think there would be actual vampires in France," Gilbert said nervously.

"There can't be! They are a myth. Antonio, did you happen to see any tools being used?" I asked. However, Antonio was still in shock as well. "What will we do? Our suspects are a male and a woman, both of blonde hair, but that's all we could make out. Their faces weren't shown." Gilbert spoke. "So, is this what we are going with? What will we tell the boss?" I asked, concerned. "Well, we have the evidence, it's not like he can tell us we are crazy when it's in front of him," Antonio finally said.

"This is crazy," I spoke. "This just can't be possible... how on earth are we supposed to catch these people?" I said nervously. "I can try my best to get some face recognition, but if not.... we will have to hope that there is some more footage with evidence," Antonio spoke seriously. "I guess it is up to me to let the boss know?" I asked. "Maybe we should wait.... we can do our best to narrow down suspects.... but let's wait until we have two people that match this description for sure," Gilbert said.

"Alright then..... I will look through some old files to see if I can find anything," I said. "Here are copies of the footage; please look through these carefully, and we will come together again tomorrow to see if we have found anything," Antonio said. He handed us some flash drives, and Gilbert and I nodded.

Once we all left, I got a text message from an old friend. "Are you free for lunch? I know you are in France, so I thought we could meet up," It read. I started to smile at the message. "Yes, of course!" I answered. "Ask some of your coworkers to come with you if you want." He responded.  I smiled once more at the text before answering. "Yes! I will ask if anyone wants to join. I'll get back to you," I responded.

I walked over to Feli and Kiku and asked them. "Hey, do you want to join an old friend and me for lunch?" I asked. "Oh! Kiku and I are in!" Feli cheered. "Great! I'm going to ask Antonio and Gilbert if they want to come as well," I smiled.

I took out my phone and texted them in a group chat. Letting them know about the whole plan. I waited for a minute or two before they finally responded with a yes. "Okay! I'm bringing four people, what time is good? And where at?" I texted my old friend. "Twelve is fine with me and close to your work," he responded.

"Okay, at twelve, we will all meet together to go eat," I told Feli and Kiku. I texted Antonio and Gilbert the same thing before responding to Alfred with my work address. "Meet here at twelve, and we will go from there," I said.

My day was already over for the most part. I had no meetings for work, and neither did Antonio or Gilbert since we were on the same team. So I think it will work out for the most part. I might stay behind a little longer so that I could chat with Alfred a little longer. It's been a while since I've seen him, so I'm excited. He is a little brother to me, so it's like visiting family for the first time in a long time.

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