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"Because I am in love with you..."
"BeCaUsE I aM iN lOvE WiTh YoU.."
"Looooovvvveee youuuu"
"Ahhhhh! Stupid stupid stupid!" I shouted slapping my face. Everyone in my office looked at me concerned as I quickly sat back down. His words were getting to me, but I couldn't afford to get distracted. "Hey, are you okay?" Feli asked me. "Hmmm? Yes, I'm fine," I said tiredly. Antonio and Gilbert walked up to me, looking concerned. "What is it?" I asked. "Antonio and I have been talking... I mean, this case is impossible. We have two ideal suspects but not a trace of them."

"We are thinking about letting this case get cold," Gilbert said sadly. My eyes widened, and I started to shake my head. "No! Not yet, we are close I know it," I said in a desperate way. "We can't let it get cold while murders are still happening," I said nervously. "It's the boss, he is getting impatient, and people are scared," Antonio said. I nodded and agreed. "How long is he giving us?" I asked. "Till the end of the week" Gilbert responded. "Fine then! We have till the end of the week to figure it out. We got this,"  I smiled.

"How can you be so sure?" They asked.
"Because I'm going to interview someone in America today. I've figured out that throughout history, there have been similar events that occurred. Different time periods dating back to the early 1800s," I spoke. Their eyes widened and they listened more. "What's so special about this guy?" Antonio asked. "He is one of 4 children who survived an attack. However, he is the only living one as well. This happened in 1966," I explained. They both nodded interestedly.

"So you are thinking that if you could get a description and match it with the video, we can create an image for a suspect?" Gilbert asked amazed. "Exactly.... and then we would have a face to run through the database," I smiled. "That's it then! That's how we catch them!" Antonio cheered. "Exactly! Check and mate," I smirked. If I go with this solution, it will be the best way to find a culprit without putting someone under suspicion. I looked at the time and smiled. "Now, if you excuse me, I have a video chat with someone."

They both nodded as I quickly got up and went into a conference room. I locked the door behind me and lowered the blinds. I then began to set up the computer and turn on anything I needed, as well as take out my files and question notepad.

I turned on the video and waited for the person to answer, when they finally did I could see how nervous he was. "Hello.. Romeo Vargas?" I asked, and he nodded. "Okay, I'll get down to business and ask if you remembered anything from that night in 1966?" I continued. "Of course, I remember everything clearly. Sadly, my father was part of a hate group, and I grew up around those things until he was killed and I stayed in an orphanage with many different people."

"Alright, the suspect, did you have to get any good facial descriptions?" I asked.
"Yes! He was the same size as my older brother... about... he was maybe around five feet and ten inches in height. He was skinny and looked in his mid-twenties maybe. The man had shoulder-length blonde hair with a clean, shaved face. His eyes are what I noticed the most, they were deep red. I had never seen anything like him before," The man spoke. "Why did he spare you?" I asked.
"I have no idea.... but once he finished killing the adults, he left without explanation."

"I see.... just real quick. Is this the man you saw that night?" I asked holding a picture of Francis up to the screen. The man's eyes widened as fear went through his body. "Yes! There is no mistake. I would say the only difference is his eye color. They are blue in the photo, and his were red. And his stubble; I remember him having a clean face. Back then, the man wore a lot of what the hippies wore too, and he is in modern clothes. That wouldn't make sense for him to wear that back then,"

"Thank you so much for your input," I smiled. "When was that picture taken?" The man asked. "Don't worry about it; thank you again for your presence," I smiled, soon hanging up. I felt my heart beat faster as I tried to catch my breath. There is no mistake... the killer is Francis, and I'm sure the woman is Lucile.

I quickly hid all my personal documents of Francis in my briefcase and made sure to describe him to Antonio. I was going to confront Francis about it and see if he was going, to be honest with me. I was highly terrified, but I needed to get to the bottom of this. "Make sure to compare the description to the video and get a sketch artist to redraw the information. Tomorrow we will run it through the system." I spoke to Antonio.

They both nodded at me, and we all went out separate ways for the time being. I quickly put on my coat to head out, I knew I needed to go home and do some more research.

Once I arrived home, I looked at the documents spread out on my table and decided to text Francis. "Come to my place ASAP," I texted. I was going to get to the bottom of this no matter what. I kept pacing around my floor, trying to think, but nothing came to me. How do I even confront something like this? Plus, it was starting to get late and darker. I knew the sun was going to set soon.

There was a sudden knock on my door, and I quickly walked over to answer. In case it was Francis who somehow managed to get here fast. Once I opened the door, there stood two men. They both had light blonde hair, but one of them was bigger than the other. "Oh, you do smell better up close," The bigger man said. "I'm sorry, can I help you?" I asked.

"Yes, actually," The smaller one said. I began feeling bad about this and started to close my door. "Sorry, I'm busy. Can you come back tomorrow?" I asked. However, the bigger man stopped the door from closing, and they both came in. "Wow, you are so strong, Ivan," the smaller one said sarcastically. I began to back up as they let themselves inside my home.

I quickly took out my gun and pointed it at them, but the guy Ivan suddenly pinned me against the wall and knocked the gun out of my hand. "Ow..." I said, wincing.  "Lukas, make sure no one sees...." Ivan spoke. "Of course..."

There was a sudden scream, and we all turned to the open door. The woman had a child, and she quickly took out her phone. My eyes widened as Lukas grabbed both of them, cracking their necks. "NOOOO!!" I yelled, trying to get away. He killed them; how could he? I started to swing my legs all over the place, but Ivan grabbed one. "You are annoying," he hissed.  There was an agonizing pain that swept through me, and I screamed. He had broken one of my legs.

"That will keep him quiet for a bit," Lukas smiled. Ivan opened the window and held onto me tightly. "Let's go have some fun... human," he laughed. With that, he jumped out of my window, and I finally saw how fast the sunset was.

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