5. The Queen's Vision

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Today was the day, you were going to meet the queen herself. You were already in the palace along with her closet friends. Though, once your presence was made, a hand full of hand maids looked at your tattered and dirty form in disgust. Even after 4 years, you were still wearing that old coat and gogglies, not to mention sand and dirt littered your skin.

"Oh, your majesty, this will not simply do!" One of them spoke, approaching your group.

The cadets, including Hange begin to slightly snicker as you looked down at yourself.

"What's wrong with my outfit," you question, turning to look at your peirs who were dressed nicely in uniform.

"This way, miss Guardian," another spoke as they dragged and pushed you off down the long hallway.

"Hey, hey, hey! Wait!" You spoke in your native language, which you don't often use.

Down the hall way you left, you could hear your friends laugh as your pushed into a vary nice room. Stumbling in, you were immediately stripped of your clothes and thrown into a vary clean and large bathroom with a loud squeal. Once the hot water hit your back, you immediately relaxed, having remembered the last time you actually had a hot shower. You've been use the salt water from the ocean, making you smell like the beach and sun light.

Gently hands found their way around your body and hair as the maids began to clean the filth off you. Once they were satisfied, they began to dry you off with multiple towels. After this process, elegant under garments were slipped on, showing off your curves perfectly.

"I feel as if this part is not necessary," you voiced your opinion.

"Nonsense! Have you see the young gentleman that travel with you?" They were referring to Connie, Jean, Eren, and Levi.

This statement made your face turn completely red.

"Come now, we have a special outfit that the queen has given you to put on!" They cheer.

"A gift?" You questioned.

They lead you to a mirror as they began to place the different fabricated textures and metal pieces on. Once the transformation was complete, you looked like a actual female. It was a white, slim tight dress that had twin slits, reaching down just before your ankles. It was heart shapped at the chest, leading to the long, wavy sleeves. At your left shoulder, lay a metal plate with a golden string to go around your front. A green cap covered the left side of your arm and back, it slightly dragged against the ground. Around your waist was different crystal like beads, that made you look even more elegant. The maids began to straighten and fix your choppy hair that you kept cutting yourself over the years. To finish the look, they put a golden tiara under your straighten hair. In the middle of the design, was a purple jewel. This made your hair fan out a little bit.

"Oh look at you now! A proper young lady!" One of the maids praised.

Uncomfortable with how you looked, you tried to give the maids a thankful smile.

"Now! Let's go meet the queen!" They began tol shovl you out of the room, making your heels click against the marble flooring.

Catching yourself, you looked off in the direction you came from and heard laughter. Looking back at the females, they gave you encouraging smiles. Taking a breath in, you straight your form and begin your walk towards the voices. Swaying your hips around the corner, your greeted with the faces of your peers and the back of the queen. Everyone's eyes widen, including Levi's. You weren't exactly lady like, and chose to never wear dress, so, seeing you all dolled up was a game changer. Turning around, Historia gave you a pleased look.

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