Chapter 3: Meeting Reepicheep

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"I know what it is," I stuttered, quietly.
Trufflehunter nodded, obviously having heard. "All Narnians do."
"What is it?" the Prince inquired.
"It's the horn of Queen Susan, the Gentle," I answered a little louder than before.
"After the King and Queens of Old disappeared, the legend became that whoever blows it will summon them back," Trufflehunter explained. "And you blew it."
"It's just superstition. There's no reason to believe that!" Nikabrik argued.
"But he still blew it," I countered, to which he sent another glare at me.

Trufflehunter preceded to explain to the Prince why he needed to stay. Even if the horn didn't summon the Royals back, it would rally the Narnians. The sound of it would call them out of hiding and alert them that something was happening. The person who blew it was supposed to be lead a great revival, a revolution. Nikabrik was being constantly negative, disapproving of everything his friend said. I just finished my soup in silence while the Prince finally ate his, listening intently. But I could tell he wasn't convinced this was something he could do.

Eventually, it grew quiet. The Prince stood and made his way to the door while Trufflehunter protested. He tried to convince him to stay and help us. Nikabrik's looks told me that he didn't want the Prince to stay nor did he care what happened to me. He didn't say anything though, keeping his opinions to himself. Not that it mattered because he didn't try to hide what he thought from his face.

Prince Caspian just shook his head in disagreement and I suddenly realized why. It wasn't that he didn't wish to help out the Narnians. No, it was something I would recognize anywhere. I had done it enough times. It was a look of guilt. He felt guilty for putting us—the Narnians—in danger. The longer he stayed with us, the more likely we were to be killed and the Prince felt bad. His mere presence caused the Narnians to reveal themselves and they would be targeted as a result. He was going to leave and nothing Trufflehunter said would've convinced him to stay.

After he walked out, Trufflehunter sighed. I looked from the door back to the Badger. Decision made, I picked up my bow and arrows and headed towards the door as well. Nikabrik and Trufflehunter shared a confused look before turning back to me. To my surprise, it was Nikabrik who spoke what he was thinking.
"Where are you going?" he asked, halting me.
"To follow him. He's going to get himself killed. The same prejudices you have against, most of the Narnians do as well. They won't hesitate to strike him down and I can't let that happen," I told the Dwarf. "I made a promise and protecting a Telmarine Prince is the least I can do."
"What for?" Trufflehunter asked. It wasn't out of bitterness towards the Prince but curiosity.
"I have a debt to pay," I answered, turning back towards the door to hide my face. "And if protecting the Prince is what it takes, then that's what I'll do."

Not looking back to see their reactions, I carefully opened the door and stepped outside. After confirming no Telmarines were in sight, I took a few steps into the woods. I knew the best way to follow him would be by air. It was easier to keep an eye on him without remaining too close. So I transformed, feeling the familiar rise of magic I hadn't felt in a long time. It was refreshing, but Phoenix seemed different. There was a wildness to her I hadn't noticed in the past, likely the result of not using my magic in the last few hundred years.

Before I could fly off, the door creaked open. I looked over my shoulder and saw both Trufflehunter and Nikabrik—who was armed, I noted. Both nodded to me and I gave a slight nod in return. Then I flew up in the air and moved in the direction Prince Caspian was traveling. They followed. I could watch after them and keep a lookout for Telmarines. It would help make our journey a little easier when there was no threat to worry about.

~Prince Caspian~

Prince Caspian walked for a couple of hours. It didn't seem like he knew where he was going as he took the long way to reach the Fern Forest. So far, Nikabrik and Trufflehunter had been quietly following after him. He didn't seem to know they were there—or he did and just didn't care. Either way, I doubted he knew I was following him. I was too high up for him to hear the gentle flapping of my wings. Besides, even if he spotted Phoenix, he wouldn't know it was me.

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