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After the Kings and Queens disappeared through the tree, whispers spread throughout the crowd again. However, they held a different tone than before and many Telmarines stepped forward to accept Aslan's offer. It was easy for Ana to tell that some were still skeptical and a bit afraid. Whether it was of the magic being used or Aslan himself, she could not say for certain. But many decided to step forward despite their reservations.

As the Telmarines lined up to leave, Ana watched them. This time, Aslan made no promises as to what their future may entail. Everyone present was curious as to what exactly their futures would be like.

Once those who had stepped forward had left, Aslan informed them that the meeting was finished and they were free to leave. As the crowd dispersed, Ana lingered on the platform. She watched dejectedly as the tree twisted back into its original position. If they hadn't witnessed it, no one would have known that anything had happened to it. And Ana was forced to watch her friends—her family—leave her alone, not knowing when they would return again. Everything had happened so quickly they barely had any chance to truly talk. She hadn't been able to say all the things she wanted to say. They needed to know how much they meant to her.

A soft murmuring drew her attention from the tree. Aslan was watching her carefully with a touch of sorrow in His eyes. He understood her pain and knew what she was thinking. Ana sighed, willing herself not to cry as she remembered His promise. They would return, one day. In peaceful silence, the two descended the steps and walked towards the castle. With Aslan by her side, all her fears of the future vanished.

"They will return, child," Aslan purred, softly.
"I know," she whispered, sadly. "But how long will I have to wait this time? Last time... They disappeared without so much as a goodbye and it was hundreds of years before I saw them again. How long must I wait this time?"
"You will see your family again, dear one. Someday soon. Either this life or the next. But you will be reunited with them in time," He promised.

Ana nodded in understanding. But before they could fall back into silence, she came to a realization. She stopped in her tracks and turned to face the Lion. Even though He knew what she would ask, she decided to voice her question aloud.
"And you?" she began. "You're leaving again?"
"It is time," He answered and Ana felt her heart sink once again. "Do not lose hope, dear phoenix, for I am with you always. My light will shine through you as long as you do not lose your faith. And when the time is right, I will return."
"But..." she began, hesitating. "But I need you. I'm not ready."
"If you were not, I would not leave you. You have your people behind you and the young King. They will be there should you stumble. They will not let you fall. All you need to do is trust them and allow them to help you. But you are stronger than you think, Ana. My dear child, you were given this life because you are strong enough to live it."

Ana felt tears well up in her eyes again. This time, she let them fall as she reached out to touch His mane. He drew closer, allowing her to throw her arms around Him and sob. She cried all the tears she had refused to let fall. Tears of pain, tears of anger, and tears of sorrow. She never had to be strong in His presence and in that instance, Ana knew she had been pretending to be for too long.

After only a moment, she pulled away and wiped the tears from her eyes. Aslan smiled gently and without another word, turned to leave. Everything that needed to be said had already been spoken. So Ana watched Him go, eyes lingering long after He disappeared from sight. Like before, Ana knew He would return one day. Soon. But this time, she wouldn't doubt that Aslan would keep His promise. And she would remember that He called all times 'soon.'

Footsteps approached softly, pulling her from her reverie. She turned, causing Caspian to stop in his tracks. A look of concern briefly flashed across his face. Ana knew her eyes were likely red and puffy from crying and that was what drew his attention. His concern.
"I saw you with Aslan," he stated, slowly, "Is everything alright?"
"Everything is fine," Ana answered. "I'm fine... Or at least I will be."
"I'm sorry. It must be hard to say goodbye to them. They were like family to you."
"They are my family. But goodbyes are never easy for me regardless..."
Caspian nodded, glancing around. "And Aslan?"
"He's gone..." At the King's sad expression, she was reminded of words from a very old friend. "'One day He'll be here and the next, He won't. But we mustn't press Him. After all, He's not a tame lion.'"
"He isn't safe," he added, surprising Ana with his words. "But He is good." She nodded and the two exchanged smiles. Then they stood in silence, staring at the spot Aslan had disappeared from.

"When you feel up to it..." the King said quietly after a few moments had passed. "I'll need your help. I have a Kingdom to rebuild and it starts with finding new Lords and advisors. Your advice will be invaluable."
"Of course. I'm honored."
"You have centuries of experience and I would be a fool to ignore it. I would also like—if you don't mind that is—to have you reinstated to your previous position. The one you held in the courts of the Kings and Queens of Old."
"Caspian—" she began, unsure what to say.
"If I'm going to do this, I will need your help. And I want everyone to know I trust you completely."
"I—I... Thank you, your Majesty. I'm honored and will do my best to serve you, to do what is right for this Kingdom."
"I know you will. It's your home and these are your people. You would never do anything to harm them."

Ana smiled brightly at that, honored that he respected her and what she could offer. After casting one last longing glance to where Aslan once stood, she climbed the stairs into the castle. She heard Caspian following her, but he said nothing else. There was nothing left to be said.

As they entered the castle, Ana knew things would be different this time. She could feel it.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓔𝓷𝓭


The next story in the sequel is "Secrets of the Phoenix Warrior." It's the Voyage of the Dawn Treader one.

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