Chapter 20: The Duel

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So I know this chapter is a bit shorter than the others, but I worked really hard to get all the details of the duel in. I was literally watching the scene and pausing every few seconds to write it down with a few embellishments on my part when the scene changes.  I was going to make the duel one chapter but it seemed to flow better if I split it into two.


The Narnians continued to cheer as Peter approached Miraz and his marshals. The Telmarines were cheering in the distance as well. When Peter drew his blade, their cheers grew louder in praise and support. A majority had no idea what would happen should their King lose. It would cause unnecessary worry and distress if they knew what all was at stake.  Peter needed their support. All the Narnians knew was that they were to follow orders, regardless of who won the duel.

Miraz stood from the chair they had brought as Peter approached. A Telmarine held his helmet and before they could offer it to Miraz, he jerked it from the man's grasp. Although I was quite a distance away, I could see his anger and aggression, plain as day. I knew Peter had to have noticed it as well and could work in it in his favor. As long as Peter kept his emotions in check and head clear, it wouldn't be a fair fight. One of the quickest ways to lose a fight was to allow your emotions to take over or allow your head to get clouded with unnecessary thoughts. That was the reason I knew I had to make amends when he started blaming himself. It would weigh on him and cause the fight to sway towards Miraz. I needed to make sure his head was clear and alleviate any worries that might've been on his shoulders.

Miraz drew his blade and approached the center of the makeshift arena. Peter did the same and the two began to pace side-to-side. The crowd of Narnians grew silent. Neither took their eyes off their opponent. I strained to pick up some of the conversation, wanting to know for sure what was going on. It was difficult given the distance, but as long as the Narnians were quiet, I could pick up some of what was being said. It seemed Miraz was trying to persuade Peter into surrendering.

"There's still time to surrender," Miraz said.
"Well, feel free," Peter replied.
"How many must die for the throne?"
"Just one," he answered, pushing the faceguard down on his helmet.

Peter cried out and ran towards Miraz while in growled in response. Using the remnants of the Stone Table, Peter jumped off a boulder and swung at  Miraz. Both swords hit the other's shield and with the sound of metal ringing against metal, the duel began. Both armies cheered on their King, though the Telmarines were too far away to see who was winning.

The fight dragged on. Their swords clashed as they parried each other's blades. Miraz used his shield to hit Peter in the face, but it only pushed him back a little. The duel was equally matched, despite the age of both opponents. It was clear neither would win easily. In fact, neither had been able to land a single hit to their opponent and I could feel the Narnians growing anxious. The longer it dragged out, the better the chances of one of the Kings slipping up and giving their opponent the upper hand.

Suddenly, Peter managed to swipe Miraz across his back when he turned. I could sense Miraz growling in frustration—and possibly pain—as he turned around. He charged at Peter in retaliation, but he managed to duck under Miraz's arm and used his sword to block the blow. He swung at him again, and again it was parried by Peter. In quick succession, Miraz swung his shield at his face again, knocking Peter's helmet off. The blow earlier had likely loosened it.

Miraz tried to aim for his neck, but Peter tilted his head back to avoid the blade. The chainmail that covered his head fell off at the action. Peter raised his shield as Miraz went for his head again. Ducking below, Peter swiped low and managed to cut him on the leg. Miraz seemed to groan and limped back a little in pain. There was a brief pause in the fight before the two charged at each other again. This time, Miraz used his sword to trip Peter and the younger King fell rather hard. But he recovered quickly and before Miraz had the chance to swing again, Peter was on his feet.

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