Chapter 16: The White Witch's Return and Deep Conversations

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Possible trigger warning for this chapter. It's hinted and alluded to but nothing is directly stated. Just warning in case you guys pick up on it.


As we drew closer, the halls grew cold and I could tell something evil lurked near. Everyone was on edge. Something wasn't right and we found out why as soon as we turned the corner. As soon as the Stone Table room was in view, Peter drew his sword and shouted "stop!" Edmund and Trumpkin weren't far behind.

Lucy and I, on the other hand, stopped at the entrance to survey the scene. There were too many people in a small space for everyone to go in fighting. There was a hag and a werewolf and each went after one of the brothers as they charged into the room. Nikabrik, as expected, was also there and began to duel with Trumpkin. Keeping an eye on the three pairs, I focused my attention on what was happening in the center of the room. It was the most horrifying sight and what drew my attention the most.

The Prince stood in front of the Stone Table, facing what should've been the carving of Aslan behind the archway. However, instead, there was what appeared to be a block of ice with the White Witch's encased inside. I thought she was dead but she was moving and talking. Although it appeared she needed something from Caspian in order to be completely free. The Prince, on the other hand, seemed to be in a trance as he ignored all of the fighting and drew closer to the witch, hand outstretched.

"Ah!" Lucy screamed, in pain, drawing my attention back to the fighting that had been happening.

My eyes went to the source of the scream immediately and found Lucy on the ground. She must've charged in while I was watching Caspian in disbelief. Nikabrik held her dagger and began to approach with the intention of killing her. I had just enough time to pull my bow from the quiver when he collapsed on the ground. Trumpkin had stabbed him in the back to protect the Queen.

"Lucy!" I shouted and rushed to her side.

The werewolf howled again and I turned just in time to see Edmund kill it. After confirming Lucy was alright—she had cried out after all—I immediately sought out Peter. Two royals were safe, one was in a trance, and I had to find the other. After being unceremoniously tossed by the hag, Peter was left briefly unarmed. The hag tried to attack but he kicked her hard enough to throw her into a pillar. As he went to retrieve his sword, I nocked an arrow and aimed. The hag tried to rush Peter again, but it ended up screeching as it fell, a well-aimed arrow lodged between its ribs.

Peter retrieved his sword and confirmed the hag was dead. He sent me a grateful look—the first time he looked at me with something besides anger—and quickly ran towards the Prince. "Stay away from him!" he shouted to the White Witch, pushing Caspian to the ground.

From my new angle, I could tell there was a circle for the person to stand in. The Witch's broken staff was embedded in the steps between the circle and herself. A trail of ice lead from the block the Witch was encased in to the ring where Peter stood. I could faintly see Peter's breath, indicating that the area was significantly colder than the rest.

When Peter pushed Caspian aside, he fell to the ground in a bit of a dazed. The Witch moved a little further into the ice, seemingly surprised. She quickly regained her composure though. She leaned forward and in her sickly sweet voice, she tried to entice Peter to free her.
"Peter, dear. I've missed you. Come on. Just one drop. You know you can't do this alone," she said, outstretching her hand from the tomb of ice.

Peter's next action surprised me. I thought for sure he would try and kill her. After all, we had been through, he had to know this wasn't the solution. However, he began to slowly lower his sword while I flicked my gaze from him to Lucy, both equally surprised by her brother's actions. I wasn't sure it would work, but I grabbed another arrow and aimed at the Witch.

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