Chapter 4: The Dancing Lawn

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A little bit of a shorter chapter but too long to put with the others. Enjoy.


Glenstorm, the leader of the centaurs, informed us that it wasn't safe to discuss anything here. It was too close to where the Telmarines were searching. We needed to meet someplace else. Someone suggested the Dancing Lawn and everyone present—except the Prince and me—nodded in agreement. The two of us didn't say anything either way.

Some were already beginning to gather at the Lawn but the centaurs agreed to round up the others. Trufflehunter promised that we would meet them there. Reepicheep departed as well, probably to get his mice friends. It left Nikabrik, Trufflehunter, Prince Caspian, and me alone once again. None of us moved for a moment, but then I stepped forward to help the Prince up—he had been too stunned to move during the brief conversation.

Nikabrik tried to carry his injured friend, but couldn't. Instead, the Prince offered to carry him. I promised Trufflehunter I would try and help him once we arrived. He nodded but winced in pain. I was a bit out of practice but the Badger appeared to be a bit of a healer. With his help, I was sure I could patch him up just fine.

"Where's the Dancing Lawn?" the Prince asked.
"Not far from here. Just a couple more hours," Trufflehunter offered.
"We should be there long before nightfall. Though some of the Narnians will be still traveling and likely won't be there until evening," Nikabrik added.

We traveled the rest of the way in silence. I was watching for anyone who might want to kill us, specifically Telmarines. Nikabrik appeared a lot calmer than before. Earlier he just seemed angry at everything, especially myself and Prince Caspian. But now he didn't seem to mind our company as much. Trufflehunter was trying not to fall asleep from being carried the entire time. But he did let out a few grunts now and then if he was jostled too much. The Prince seemed lost in thought.

We reached the Dancing Lawn a short time later and the Prince gently set Trufflehunter down. I quickly went in search of some herbs to ease his pain while everyone else settled down. When I returned, both Nikabrik and Prince Caspian were quietly dozing. The Badger seemed to be half asleep himself, but perked up when I approached. He took the herbs—after confirming they would in fact help him—and relaxed. He tiredly walked me through the rest of the process and by the time I finished bandaging him, Trufflehunter was also asleep. I went back into the forest to retrieve food we could eat—as it appeared no one had brought any—and quietly sat against a tree upon my return. Should they awake hungry, I would have food.

Reepicheep was the first to arrive, followed by his group of mice. Their arrival alerted the others and they awoke from their sleep. I offered them the meager food I could find—-some berries and a couple of edible plants—as I didn't feel like leaving the campsite long enough to hunt. No one seemed to mind though.

By nightfall, a decent amount of Narnians had gathered. Glenstorm and a group of centaurs were there as well as some fauns, satyrs, minotaurs, and various Talking Beasts. Nikabrik was the only Black Dwarf, but a few other dwarfs were also scattered about the clearing. The Prince was forced into the central area as the Narnians surrounded him. Trufflehunter and I made ourselves comfortable on a rock, just behind the Prince, that still put us roughly in the middle of the crowd.

As they began to discuss, cries of outrage and confusion at the sight of a Telmarine were heard. Several of the Narnians threw insults at Prince Caspian, but he didn't back down. Glenstorm and a few others tried to get them to settle down so the Prince could explain. They quieted but I could still pick up some of their distrustful comments.

Prince Caspian withdrew the horn from his satchel and caused another uproar from the Narnians. Nikabrik was the ringleader in the latest line of accusations.
"All this horn proves is that they've stolen yet another from us!" he urged the crowd, pointing violently at the man before him.
"I didn't steal anything," the Telmarine Prince protested, trying to convince them.
"Didn't steal anything?!" a minotaur shouted. "Shall we list the things the Telmarines have taken?!"
"Our homes," answered a female centaur, sadness in her voice.
"Our land," said another creature.
"Our freedom, our lives!" two more added.
"You stole Narnia!" the crowd barked.
"You would hold me accountable for all the crimes of my people?" Prince Caspian asked them.
"Accountable..." Nikabrik answered, walking closer to him, "and punishable!"
"Ha! That is rich coming from you, Dwarf," Reepicheep accused, drawing his rapier and walking towards Nikabrik. "Or have you forgotten that it was your people who fought alongside the White Witch?"

The very name of her made me cringe, though I did my best not to make it obvious. However, it wasn't enough as some of the Narnians sent me a concerned look. They seemed to trust me, but I wouldn't have. When you think about it, I was the one who practically let the Telmarines take over. I should've done more to prevent the invasion. Even though I had never commanded an army before, I knew how to strategize. But I said nothing of this and instead sent them a gentle smile, confirming I was alright. 

"And I'd gladly do it again if it would rid us of these barbarians!" Nikabrik stated as he gestured to Caspian when he said 'barbarians'.
"Then it's lucky that it is not in your power to bring her back," Trufflehunter said, speaking up. "Or are you suggesting that we ask this boy to go against Aslan now?" Shouts and roars of protest erupted from the crowd at his statement. "Some of you may have forgotten, but we badgers remember well... that Narnia was never right except when a Son of Adam was King."
"He's a Telmarine! Why would want him as our King?" Nikabrik said and many of them shouted in agreement.
"Because he can help you!" I finally interjected, standing up. In the few hours I had been with him, I saw something in the Telmarine Prince that gave me hope for Narnia.
"It's a trick!" someone shouted.
"At least hear him out!" another argued.
"Beyond these woods, I'm a Prince," the Prince continued. "The Telmarine throne is rightfully mine. Help me claim it, and I can bring peace between us."
"It is true," Glenstorm began, circling us. "The time is ripe. I watched the skies... for it is mine to watch as it yours to remember, Badger. Tarva, The Lord of Victory, and Alambil, the Lady of Peace have come together in the high heavens. And now, here, a Son of Adam had come forth... to offer us back our freedom."
"Is it possible? Do you really think there could be peace? Do you? I mean, I mean, really?" an anxious squirrel in a tree behind us questioned.
Prince Caspian turned around. "Two days ago, I didn't believe in the existence of talking animals, or dwarves, or centaurs. Yet here you are in strength and numbers that we Telmarines could never have imagined."
I gestured to the horn in the Prince's hand and he raised it. "Whether this horn is magic or not, it brought all of us together."
"And together, we have a chance to take back what is ours!" he finished for me.
"If you will lead us then my sons and I..." Glenstorm said, drawing his sword and raising it towards the Prince, "offer you our swords!"

The centaurs all held out their swords and I looked around, I noticed the rest of the Narnians slowly do the same. We had the backing of not just Old Narnians but fallen Beasts as well. Everyone was united under the cause of reclaiming Narnia. It looked like we might have a chance against the Telmarines.

Reepicheep approached, rapier drawn. "And we offer you our lives unreservedly," he said, bowing.
"Ana, what about you?" the Prince asked, turning to me.
I was a little surprised. "I am with you. And as soon as the Kings and Queens return I am also with them. If your orders disagree with theirs, I'll follow theirs first and foremost. I'll do my best to keep you alive so you may reclaim your throne, but I was loyal to them first," I answered and he seemed to understand.
"Miraz's army will not be far behind us, sire," Trufflehunter said.
"If we are to be ready for them we need to hurry to find soldiers and weapons," the Prince stated.
"I think I know where we can get some," Reepicheep said with a mischievous grin.
He nodded and turned to Glenstorm. "I'm sure they will be here soon."

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