Chapter 18: Request For a Duel

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"Edmund promised to send for you should something happen," Lucy explained as we walked.
"What did happen?" I asked, realizing she hadn't told me much. Only enough to know the situation was serious, but not dire yet.
"The Telmarines... They figured out where we were hiding. A scout spotted them earlier, but now they've amassed at the edge of the woods. We can't leave the How without them noticing."
"And Peter has a plan?"
"I'm not sure... He sent us to gather a few of the Narnians. Glenstorm, Trumpkin, Reepicheep, you. Caspian was already present or Peter would've sent for him as well. But he didn't tell us what his plan was or if he actually had one."

I nodded but didn't have a chance to speak before we reached our destination. To my surprise, it wasn't the Stone Table room, but a much smaller room. Perfect for the small group of Narnians gathered, our best warriors and, I assumed, Peter's most trusted advisors.

Susan and Edmund were there along with Caspian and Professor Cornelius, both of which sat on the steps across the room from the other two. Susan stood near a corner and Lucy joined her sister while Edmund made himself comfortable on the other set of stairs. Trufflehunter and Trumpkin stood nearby while Glenstorm and Reepicheep were closer to Peter. There was a bear and a few other Narnians gathered as well.

I made my way over to Lucy and once everyone was settled, Peter began to speak.

"I've had a chance to think," he began, "and I realized I've been going about this all wrong. We cannot defeat the Telmarines on our own. We need Aslan's help."
"Aslan?" Trunpkin questioned, skeptical. "A lot of good He's done us. Where has He been the past few hundred years?"
"He's been waiting," Lucy spoke up. "He's been waiting for us to ask for His help. If we don't want Him, He will stay away. Aslan only goes where He's wanted and the Narnians decided they were just fine without Him."
"But He's always been there," I added. "Some of us may have seen His presence more than others."
Peter nodded, seeming to agree. He was different now, more like the King I knew before. "But we must seek Him out now and ask for His help. And I believe Lucy is the best one for this. She and Susan will go in search of Aslan and we'll provide a distraction, allowing them to get away undetected and time to return."
"Cakes and kettledrums! That's your next big plan?!" Trumpkin cried. "Sending a little girl into the darkest parts of the forest alone!"
"It's our only chance," Peter argued.
"And she won't be alone," Susan agreed. Trumpkin had apparently glossed over the fact that Susan would be going with her sister.

I tried to keep my face neutral, surprised by Peter's plan. Based on what I could gather, Peter knew Lucy would somehow be able to find Aslan. Trumpkin didn't like the plan and I assumed it was because he had grown quite attached to the young Queen. But she was a Queen and more than capable of taking care of herself. Peter was sending Susan with her for extra protection and likely to keep them from the fight if at all possible. It was a good plan and I was surprised he was actually thinking things through this time.

"H-haven't enough of us died already?" Trumpkin asked Lucy, voice filled with sorrow for his lost friends.
"Nikabrik was my friend too," Trufflehunter told him, "but he lost hope. Queen Lucy hasn't and neither have I!"
"For Aslan," Reepicheep said drawing his rapier and placing it across his chest.
"For Aslan," repeated the bear.
"Then I'm coming with you," Trumpkin demanded.
"No," Lucy placated, placing her hands on his shoulders. "We need you here."
"We have to hold them off until Lucy and Susan get back," Peter explained.
"If I may," Caspian interjected and Peter looked to him, "Miraz may be a tyrant and a murderer but as king, he is subject to the traditions and expectations of his people. There is one, in particular, that may buy us some time."

At Peter's nod, the Prince began to explain about a challenge a King would be hard-pressed to refuse. The challenge could only be issued by someone of equal rank if they wished to make Miraz fight. As King, he could refuse but it was likely the people would view him as a coward. Single combat, a duel, between two leaders. Caspian even suggested that the losing side surrender, making the offer even better for his uncle.

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