Chapter 25: Setting Ana Straight

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A much longer chapter this time. I figured with all the planning and preparations for battle, Ana didn't have time to really come to terms with everything. Since she's had deep (or somewhat deep) conversations with 3 of 5 royals, I figured she could have a nice long conversation with someone who can relate to how she might feel better than anyone. Enjoy!


Glancing around, I tried to figure out what happened, what I had missed. Most of the Narnian army stood on one side of the river. A few stood throughout the water, watching as the Telmarines assembled on the riverbank. Many tossed their weapons aside, surrendering. Others handed them off to the Narnians. Large logs floated down the river and some were on either side of the banks, indicating the bridge had been destroyed. It appeared to have taken enough Telmarines with it that they decided it was better to surrender.

The battle for Narnia was finally over and her people were free, as it should be. The royals all made it through unharmed, which I was glad to see since I could barely defend myself let alone them towards the end. They were a little tired, worn out, and it was likely they had some minor injuries. But in the end, they were no worse for wear. We all exchanged smiles, knowing we had triumphed. Aslan was smiling too. Everything had turned out alright once we believed in Him again. We all looked to the Great King in reverence.

Our moment of joy was interrupted by sad music and soft footsteps. Six of Reepicheep's men approached, with two carrying their unconscious chief on a simple stretcher made of twigs. A third mouse carried the pipes and played them as the royals parted ways, allowing them to pass by. The music stopped when the others set him down before Aslan.

Lucy wasted no time in rushing to Reepicheep's side. Kneeling next to him, she gave him a drop from her cordial. The effect was almost instant, unlike when I had been first cured with it. Then she stood as Reepicheep gasped for air and quickly regained consciousness. He noticed Lucy and thanked her for curing him as she smiled in relief at the others. One of his men helped Reepicheep to his feet and away from the stretcher. Once he was up, he realized Aslan was standing before him.

"Oh! Hail Aslan! It is a great honor to be—" he began but cut himself off, falling forward as he tried to bow. It was then that everyone noted that the poor mouse was missing his tail. He seemed embarrassed, backing away from Aslan and trying to cover the empty spot with his paws. "I must grave your indulgence for appearing in this untimely fashion," he apologized before turning to the Valiant Queen. "Perhaps a drop more?"
She looked at the cordial in her hand before responding sadly: "I don't think it does that."
"You could have a go!" he declared, sounding a bit desperate.
Aslan chuckled. "It becomes you well, small one."
Reepicheep turned to face Aslan. "All the same, Great King, I regret I must withdrawal." He pulled out his rapier and held it in both paws, almost offering it to the Great Lion. "For a tail is the honor and glory of a mouse."

It was quite sad to think that we would lose such a good warrior so soon. He could still be a good Knight, even without his tail. A non-life-threatening injury such as his didn't mean he could longer be of service. But it seemed Reepicheep was thinking more of his pride and honor than anything.

And Aslan called him out on it, as He often did when one was prideful. "Perhaps you think too much of your honor, friend," He told the mouse.

Reepicheep was once again embarrassed in the Lion's presence. He recovered quickly, realizing he had been a bit prideful, and began listing other reasons why having a tail was useful. I could see Lucy holding back a smile and glanced over to see the other royals doing the same. The poor mouse just wanted his tail and the rest of us were trying not to laugh at his expense. It was very impolite and everyone knew that. Even so, it was difficult to keep smiles off our faces.

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