Chapter 9: Peter's Outburst

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After who knew how long, I finally made my way back inside. There were several Narnians hard at work forging and sizing armor. But not nearly as many as before were present and I immediately tried to figure out the cause. A quick search through the main tunnels revealed none of the royals were present either. I frowned, more out of confusion than worry, as I tried to figure out where they had gone.

My answer came just a few moments later. After wandering around with a confused look on my face Jerenia informed me that training had begun. They had split the Narnians into various groups and divided them amongst the royals. I was a little disappointed no one had informed me, but also realized that they may not have been able to find me. Lucy was teaching—and possibly relearning—some healer techniques which explained why I hadn't been able to find her. She wanted those not well versed in medicine to be able to do something in a bind.

Seeing as I couldn't help with training them with a sword, I debated about giving Susan a hand. But I finally decided that they likely didn't need the both of us out there, especially if the Prince was supposed to help her out. Instead, I decided it would be more useful for me to join Lucy. It had been several decades since I had any real experience with medicine. Patching Trufflehunter up was a nice refresher, but I needed more than that. Besides, it allowed me to see Lucy and possibly avoid any awkward conversation.

It turns out I was right in that aspect. Lucy sent me a wide smile when I joined her but stayed focused on her task. Since it was unlikely her siblings would let her anywhere near a battlefield at her age, she taught the Narnians which herbs were the best to use. A lot of them knew about the dangerous plant but didn't realize how helpful some of the ordinary plants could be. During this time, she avoided asking me any pressing questions that weren't related to the lessons. I was glad of the reprieve and felt more relaxed.

Of course, I didn't spend all my time under Lucy's tutelage. I already recalled most of those things after a day and found it better to occupy my time elsewhere. Sometimes I helped Susan with the archers, but that was mostly for me to get some training in. I had been out of practice for over three hundred years and needed it.

But if I wasn't occupying my time with one of the two Queens, I volunteered to be the lookout. I had keen eyes and someone had to keep an eye out for Telmarines. They hadn't figured out where we were hiding out yet and it provided us with a small advantage. Still, being the lookout while everyone else trained was a very boring task. It left plenty of time for thinking and I started to wonder why I was even there.

After nearly a week of training, things took a turn. The royals no longer trained the Narnians but began planning for battle. They started strategizing and working out attack plans with their newly trained soldiers. I tried to pay attention but found it difficult when no one acknowledged you. So I decided to relieve the current watch instead.

I headed outside to think about the dilemma that had been bothering me lately. I had a duty to the Narnians, to protect them. But if the Kings and Queens of Old were here, they would do the same. In fact, they would take it a step forward and fight to regain their homes and livelihoods. Something I had failed to do. I also knew I had a duty to protect the Narnian throne but that was difficult when the royals were seemingly avoiding you. Hardly anyone wanted me there and I had no idea what my purpose there was. Moral support? A symbol for what Narnia used to be? I didn't want that.

So after thinking about it for a few moments, I finally came to a decision. I would leave the Narnians and flee into the woods, live on my own.  The Kings, Queens, and Prince would be able to help them. Everything was going smoothly and there was nothing else for me to do. I could leave silently and hardly anyone would notice my absence. They were so busy with the training and planning to know that they were short one warrior.

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