1//The Package

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Your POV.

March, XX, 20XX

13, living with your best friend, (Fr/N), and working on her aunt's farm.

I sigh and scroll through my phone, opening and closing several social apps. Endless hours upon so much time wasted on my phone, and yet, here I am, doing the same thing every single day, thinking something would change.

My schedule is like any other normal person; Wake up at 7, eat breakfast by 7:15, take care of my bathroom stuff at 7:50, get into my work clothes by 8:05, walk out to the field by 8:30, work until 5:50, return home at 6:15, get out of my work clothes at 6:20, and then... nothing.

I have the rest of the night to myself. I could work on something I like... maybe, oh, my build in the well-known ROBLOX studio? No, I don't have any motivation to build something exciting. I'd get too involved, and fuck my whole schedule up. (Fr/N)'s aunt wouldn't be happy. Well... perhaps I can set myself a reminder using Google. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, actually. God, have I really not realised that?

I close out of Twitter and open up the Google app. It greets me in text with my g-mail, "Hello, dietpebis360@gmail.com." I whisper a hello back, and type into the bar, "Set a reminder".

Instead of doing what I asked, it asked if I would like to do voice recognition, instead of having to type everything out. I thought about it for a moment, and I hit "Try it out!". It gives me a few prompts to say: "Okay, Google." "Hey, Google." "Tell me the time, Google." I repeat them as necessary, and it speaks out, "Okay, your voice has been saved. Tell me what I should do, dietpebis360@gmail.com." It couldn't say my name, but I decided to change that.

"Okay, Google, set my name to (Y/N)."

"Setting name to (Y/N.)... Okay. Hello, (Y/N)!"

I grin, and whisper another hello back. "Hey, Google, set a reminder for me, please."

"Okay, what would you like the reminders name to be?" It asks.

"hmm... how about.... How about 'Time to get off Studio'?"

"Okay, setting reminder, 'How about 'Time to get off of Studio'. What time would you like it to be set for?"

"N-.... well, okay, then.... Set the reminder for-" I quickly check the time; 6:45. "-for 7:50."

"Setting reminder time for 7:50. Okay, (Y/N), you have the reminder 'How about 'Time to get off of Studio' set for 750 tonight. Is that correct?"


"Okay, reminder set."

Thank God that was over. I hop onto the computer and boot up ROBLOX Studio, and begin to build.


August, XX, 20XX

22, living in a small home, still working with your best friend on the farm.

I'm finally driving home after a long day at Auntie's house. I pull into my driveway, and get out of the car, yawning. "This will be a well deserved rest," I yawn out. I walk to my front door and unlock it, accidently kicking something into the house. "Oh, shit, what did I kick?" I look down, and notice a plain unmarked box. "Oh. OH, NO NO NO, I NEED TO CALL THE POLICE."

I whip out my phone, but it's shut off. I couldn't turn it on. I rush into my bedroom, knowing I have a phone directly connected to a landline. Nothing. The power was still on, so, why did nothing work? I looked back in the direction of the box, and it was back outside. My mind was everywhere; what could be in that box? Did it somehow turn all the phone lines off? Why at my doorstep, who's targeting me? Is there even a bomb in it?

I sigh, and take a few breaths to calm myself down. Okay, in... hold.... out... hold... in.... out.... okay.

I look around my room and spot my rounded table. Thank God for that advertisement I got. I take off the top of the table and stick my arm through the hoops and grab the bat, just in case.

I walk back out from my bedroom to the box, and I nudge it a few times. Nothing. I put the bat to the side of me, and inspected the box, noticing some of the tape got ripped off. How interesting... I'm pretty sure it wasn't when I looked, but then again, this box is the biggest mystery that even The Mystery Gang couldn't solve.

I hold my breath and rip the tape off, closing my eyes, shielding myself, and bracing for any impact.

Instead, I'm greeted with the voice of a man.

"Hello~." He says.

I keep my eyes closed as I'm trying to think who this man was, and why he wasn't trying to strangle me, or rob me, or anything.

There's silence, and I open my eyes, seeing my bat immediately. I lunge for it and throw the shield in the direction of the man, and swing my bat. It snapped in half immediately, and the man was holding the shield.

I stood still, dumbfounded that it snapped. I looked at the man, and he was just staring at me, his grin impaling my heart.

I stared at him for a few moments, and he said nothing. What does he want? Why isn't he doing anything? He... kinda... looks like that one guy, though....

My phone vibrates, followed by a little cat meow. The man lifted up his head and said, "Incoming text from (Fr/N); 'Heya, (Y/N), I need you at the farm, quick! Auntie's horse gave birth! We want you to see and name them in person!' Would you like to respond?" A text box pops up with the message above it.

I stare at the text shown in front of me, and back at the man. "Uh... not right now." I say, cautiously.

"Marking as unread..." he says, and the screen pops away. He reverted back to his smile, less creepy this time.

"Who... or, what, are you?" I say, backing up into my house. He follows me with the same distance, the shield still in his hands.

"I am Google IRL. I am your personal assistant."

1060 words

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