Chapter 2- Augma

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Me, Kirito, Silica and Liz were at a cafe playing PAC-man on the table with the Augma.

"All right we cleared it!" Silica said excited I giggled.

"Good job Silica! Nice assist Liz!" I said as I smiled-at them.

"Ah! We get a free slice of cake sweet!" she looked happy.

"You guys play games way to much these days" Kirito said I looked at him and tilted my head.

"I never thought I'd hear that from you that's saying something!" Silica said raising her voice a bit.

"Heck every time we play we get free point for stores might as well play out butts off" Liz said shrugging.

"I bet deep down you wanted to play didn't you?" I said poking his cheek a bit he looked away grunting and I laughed.

"Well I love this thing it's super convenient let's you watch tv anywhere heck even easier to use then a smart phone and the weather reports is a life saver and best of all we can talk to Yui when we want." She said explaining why it's cool.

"Yup!" Yui said hopping on my shoulder i smiled at her and looked back at Liz.

"You sound totally sold on this thing" I said touching the white device on my ear.

"Mm, I wouldn't say that it's just they handed them out at the survivor school least we can do is use them and see what the Augma can do right?" She explained I was gonna say something but a women's voice interrupted me.

"So sorry for the wait here's your bonus treats for clearing the game" she said setting down a strawberry cheese cake slice , Blueberry cheese cake and my favorite F/oc (flavor of cake) I smiled.

"I want that one!" We all pointed at the ones we wanted and we all got what we liked.

"Heck they even know what we like it does a thing called deep learning pretty thoughtful even more thoughtful then the people we know" Liz said I heard Silica humming while moving side to side happily ready to eat her sweet.

"I hear it can tell you how much calories are in that cake" Kirito said as Liz swallowed the piece she has eaten she was shocked and finished it storming out of the cafe while we all finished Silica ran after her.

I walked besides Kirito looking at the Tv seeing a notification pop up from a text from Liz.

Liz~'How much more until you hit your goal point?'

'Hmm about half way😙'~ Y/N

Liz~ 'Must be tough for the Princess sister to not get a part time job.😁😁'

'It's not like that! It's just my brother doesn't want me working cause he makes enough but I want my own money!!!!🙄' ~ Y/N

Liz~ 'It makes you excited to get Kirito a gift?'

'Yup! And I'll do my best!' ~Y/N

Liz~ '✨💞✨'

'😁💞'~ Y/N

"Y/N?" Kirito said coming in screen view I jumped a bit seeing it was Kirito I giggled and kept walking with him we stoped as a light shined on Silica and she started singing Yuna's song.

I bopped my head as Yui brought her hands up and down and Kirito looked in Amazement as she knew ever lyric people started cheering as me and Kirito clapped and she came running to us.

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