Chapter 13- Arriving

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Kirito POV

I was out of breath panting but got my breath back
"Congratulations. It looks like you finally learned how to handle yourself in this Game, Black swordsman." Rank 2 said named Eiji I glared at him

"You bastard!" I said running towards him he grabbed my arm flipping me over I seen something around his collar it glowed purple I grunted getting up not all the way tho.

He sent me a message "instead of Yuna rewarding you I will." Eiji said I see what he had sent me

'Come to Yuna's concert I'll return Night Assassin's memories there.' Is what I read my eyes Widened I looked up to see him gone.


I was reading my Diary with headphones on listening to music I looked out the window but my attention was brought to the door as I took off my headphones closing my diary my brother walks in.

"What's wrong Kaita?" I asked he just hugged me randomly I tilted my head

"Y/N I'm tired and want cookies please bake someeee!" He whined I looked at him

"Really it's late I thought it was something bad!" I said patting his head messing up his Blue hair witch he laughed

"Fine but you have to tell me about this little Boyfriend of yours" he said I turned red or I assumed so

"W-what who said I has on-" he cut me off by kissing my forehead

"Oh little sister of mine you can't hide anything from your brother I just know" he said and I laughed

"Well ima kick you out cause this little girl is tired." I said yawning he smiled at me

"Night N/N"

"Night kaita" I said setting down the book and head phone on my window I laid down hearing the door close I sighed and closed my eyes.

Time skip to morning Y/N POV

I woke up to Shaking and something licking my face I open my eyes Slowly to see a Little kitten in my face I yelped jumping back a little seeing my brother hold the kitten

"K-kaita why do you have a kitten!" I asked

"Well my friend gave him to me after his parents found out his little brother was allergic ." He said and I sighed

"Anyway I came here to wake you so you have time to shower or bath before the concert and I'll drop you off"Kaita said I jumped up

"Oh right Yuna's concert thank you!" I said jumping out of bed

After shower

I grabbed some outfits to see what I could wear and I narrowed it down to 3 options were right at the moment I was in a town

1- A black Overall skirt with a white long sleeve shirt with my favorite fandom on it with a pair of F/c socks to go with it they were thigh socks. And boots. With some earnings and a bag

2- A dress that was just plain Black  with some boots and a bracelet and a bag

3- or Shorts with a long sleeve top with some long socks. With a necklace and bag

I couldn't really pick so I Video called Kirito witch he picked up and looked like he was about to head out.

"Hey Y/N what's wrong?" He asked I smiled placing my phone somewhere where he could see my full body so I can show some outfits he blushed seeing me in a towel but I was more focused on getting ready

"Can I have some of your time please I need help picking a outfit for Yuna's Concert!" I said and he nodded I went to the corner of my room that wasn't in the camera frame I changed into the 3rd outfit first

"This is option three." I said turning around my phone had alerted me that he took a picture but I didn't mind I went back changing into outfit number 2

" I have this plain dress with a bracelet" I said again it said he had taken a picture and I laughed

"Okay one more!" I said getting into the 1st option

"Or this skirt with a long sleeve boots and socks!" I said happily kinda liking this one I hear him laugh and take a picture

"What's so funny! Does it look that bad?" I asked he shook his head

"No your just really Beautiful hmm how about option one." He said I nodded

"Alright I'll be there in like 20 minutes just need to finish my hair bye!" I said and he smiled saying goodbye I hung up trying to find out what will I do with my hair like natural I just left it out not wanting to be extra

"Kaita come on!" He came with the cat in his little bag I laughed

"You have to bring him?" I asked and he nodded

"Yea also his names Kenma that's what my friend called him he's only 4 weeks old my friend barely had him for 1 week cause his brother was allergic ." I smiled grabbing the Ginger cat with some black fur

"Hello Kenma we're going to the car together!" I said petting him while walking to the car I heard Kaita  giggle

Time skip to at the concert Y/N POV

Silica, Liz, Me, Sinon and Agil sat down

"Wow Yuna more popular then I thought." Sinon said and I nodded

"Ugh my throats sore from Karaoke" Silica said clearing her throat

"That's was you get for over doing it." Liz said

I looked at her "Silica thank you for yesterday" I said smiling and she turned to me

"O-oh Sure!" She said smiling back

"Oh man wish Klein and Suguha could be here." Agil said as all 4 of us girls nodded

"Wait where's Kirito?" I asked looking around

"He said he was going to stop by the restroom first" Silca said

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