Chapter 6 - Mysterious girl

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Kirito POV

I logged off of ALO texting Agil if he knew anything about Klein not being with us I went down stairs to make something to eat getting a phone call I answered it was Y/N

"Hey Kirito!" She said with a smile

"Hey Y/N hold on give me a second" I put my phone on the tablet stand facing the camera I'm my direction while stirring the pasta

"That is some plain pasta..." she said and I sighed

"Yea I's the only recipe my cooking app recommends so I'm going with it" I said I heard her sigh

"Your diet is so unbalanced it's not even funny" she said I grabbed the pot going to drain the water

"Here's an idea how about you make me some of your ragout rabbit stew?" I said smiling

"Oh sure I'll just whipped that up" she said in a jokingly manner

"Oh I know! What if I get some Ingredients and come over to make something like it?" She suggested I smiled more

"Oh sure! That would be amazing!" I replied I go to sit on the table with my plate clapping my hands together thankful for the food

"Hey Kirito you know that ghost you asked me about..." She said I nodded

"I've done some digging and people have seen a girl dressed in white when I was walking with the Augma for some training I actually seen her I couldn't touch her or hear here but she said 'Danger Y/N' is all I managed to get and I never Seen her again..." She said I looked at her

"Your kidding!?" I shook my head and she nodded

"Have you seen her?" She asked I shook my head

"Oh... Damn it." I lied and I felt bad but didn't want to say anything I told her about the tents and sleeping bag and she was happy

"Awesome!" she said smiling as I took another bite of the pasta

"Y/N wanna go out and train with the Augma? We can get some extra credit before you go along with your friends? And who are you talking to?" I heard a male voice

"Yea sure but give me a little! I'm talking to a uh- friend! Be down in a few!" She responded

"Who was that your brother?" I asked and she nodded

"Yea he's been obsessed with the Augma he uses it everyday dragging me along!" She said smiling

"Well I'll talk to you later alright love you!" She said

"Yea love you too." I said smiling at her as she hung up

Time skip to dark Kirito POV

I was getting a drink seeing I get a free one I took out the Augma to scan it I looked around and realize the girl and I jumped back as she fell again.

I go up to her crouching a bit "Finally found you." I said she looked at me

"I didn't know you were looking" she responded

"Your not a ghost that's for sure" she got up after I said that walking to a bridge I fallowed her

"Hey who are you and why you go see Y/N!" I asked she jumped a bit at the mention of Y/N

"I meant exactly what I said 'Danger Y/N' meaning there will be danger for her" she pointed to her head and then up as she disappeared again

'What does she mean Danger to Y/N'S mind?...' I thought I felt my phone Vibrating so I picked it up


"Hey it's me about time you picked up!" Said Agil

"Sorry I was on the road what's up?" I asked

"I found Klein he's in the hospital in Yoyogi been there once last night his arms all busted up." Agil responded

"What did he get into a accident?!" I said worried for my friend

"I don't know he said he ran into trouble before one of those ordinal battles that's all I got before he knocked out again" he answered

"Damn" I said

"You get carful on that bike man I'll let you know more when I know" I hung up

"Daddy?" Yui said coming up on my shoulder I was worried as Y/N had just went to one and that girl said she'd be in danger somehow.

Sorry for the short chapter hope you like the story so far!

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