Chapter 11 - Y/N's Diary

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Kirito POV

I walked to my bike before I put on my helmet my phone went off I read who it was Y/N L/N I answered after 2-3 rings.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked

"Nothing just wanted to hear your voice" she said softly

"Oh." I said smiling

"Listen Y/N is it cool if I come over?" I asked

"N-now?" She asked sounding shocked

"Um yeah or later if that's better."

"No now is fine!" She said happily

"I'd come to you but after yesterday's Ordinal scale battle I feel a bit weak and kinda scared to go out..." she said I could tell she was Embarrassed

"No I get it I'll be there in about 20 minutes I'm in Ookayama right now but traffics not to bad." We said out goodbyes while I got on my bike turning it on heading over

Time skip to at your house. Y/N POV

"Sorry the door was already open." I heard Kirito's voice

I walked over with some slippers as I was in shorts with my f/c Long sleeve shirt "Why do you sound so nervous it's okay!" I said giggling a bit

"Kaita is at work right now" I said placing the slippers down

"Yea but it's my first time inside here oh crap I should've brought your brother a gift like a plant or something." He worried I laughed a bit

"Don't be silly! It's fine I swear." I said again I pointed to upstairs

"Come on this way" I said smiling

"I was talking to someone today and they said survivors like us are better off forgetting what happened in sao I got to think and maybe he's got a point there." He said as we walked upstairs

"I mean we did see a lot of scary things right? But the memories we have of those two years good and bad are what shaped us into the people we are today and I mean that's where I met you right? So I want them back if it's possible!" I said

We went up and I opened my room door "Everyone has been telling me about how high tech your room is now since your brother got that new job. It's not what I thought." He said looking around

I had my bed in the corner with f/c sheets with a white desk with a chair and a mirror on another desk with a seat there was a closet it has a censor to open it with,  when someone walks where it's activated to open and my lights that I can dim to whatever percentage I wanted with a tap button lastly I had a computer set up and it was pink and white

"In a way it remind me of the place you had in Selmburg." He said I smiled putting my hands behind my back as he gasp

"I'm sor-" I cut him off smiling

"I'll go bring us up some drinks and snacks." I said about to walk out

"Yeah sure." He said and I hugged him

"Make yourself at home okay?" I smiled and pulled away from the hug and walked out

Kirito POV

I look around her room seeing a picture that seemed to be Y/N with her parents and her brother she looked about 3 which would make Her brother 8 since there 5 years apart from what I know her parents passed away when she was 5 and she was Apart of what happened I just never asked until she'll tells me when she is comfortable

I walk to her white closet when I walked closer it opened and I didn't know how to close it so I backed away bumping into a chair witch opened a draw and a note book was seen it was f/c with white.

I heard the closet close as I took the book opening it

To the future me it's been a while since I've written in this diary these days I'm afraid what might happens to me since I came back to the real world and with memories gone I wanna keep track so I'll keep writing . I met Kirito 4 years ago but I only remember the last two,the moments with him I can still remember are precious like jewels to me there's a good chance Ordinal scale will cause me to forget things more and more and that scares me a lot.

But as long as I can keep making memories with Kirito I should be fine my calendar says I'm supposed to go to the mountains in Saitama in a couple of days to watch the stars with him but I don't remember the day we made plans to go there together anymore I went back to read this dairy and what I can tell Kirito said he wanted to give me some kind of present I hope he'll forgive me for not remembering what.

I want to get him something but since I'm not allowed to have a job yet, I'm going to use all my points and whatever I have saved to buy him a gift. My love Kazuto what would I do if I forget him what would I do if I forget these feelings I have for the one I love. And what if I can't make new memories with him it's scares me so much to even think about it I pray that the person I am tomorrow doesn't forget the feelings I have for him.

I am in love with Kirito and I don't want to forget it I'm going to cherish every moment we have together. I wish I could be more brave and tell him that but with me losing my memories I'm scared what if I become a problem my love for him is so big it hurts it hurts so much I wanna tell him when I'm brave enough so please Y/N remember for him do it for Kazuto Kirigaya and your love for him.

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