Chapter 3- 1st Ordinal battle

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A purple light came out of the drone it was a girl white hair purple tips wait...

"Yuna!" some others shouted "Kirito it's yuna but why is she here?" I asked happy to tell Silica I got to see her little girl crush

"I hope everyone's ready! It's time to battle so start the music!" Yuna said snapping her fingers and music started to play

"oh, Awesome Yuna's singing! it's a special stage with a bonus!" I looked to see a man looking like a tiger yellow with black strips green sparkles surrounded us it gave us +attack

Kagachi eyes glowed red and started running at us people got attacked while they ran at him

"What do you say Kiri-dude?" Klein said looking at him I watched how people shot him and he attacked hunters

"Watch out guys!" I said as a white vine came at us

"Watch out don't let your Hp hit zero your rank will drop!" Klein yelled Me and Kirito nodded and Continue running I seen one of Klein's friend blocked him with a shield while him and another attacked.

The white vine/rope came at us making me and Kirito separate "Kirito!" I ran next to him but he dashed forward he tripped and landed right infront of the monster I ran to him as he dodged the hit and was running by his side

"Damn it's hard to move!" He said I looked at him and shook my head

"Your just a little out of shape is all!" I said running

"I'm not out of shape!" I giggled a bit while we ran from the boss

"Watch if I got the Kill shot!" The same yellow tiger man said Kagachi dodged it as the shoot went by him about to hit Yuna a man dressed in black with a cape and purple light lines Blocked it so it didn't hit her

"Awesome! Rank two!" I said smiling he stood still and looked serious.

Kagachi fell but got back up "he's making his killer move tanks follow me!" The boy said aka rank 2 he blocked most attacks and I laughed

"Ya! Wait for me!" I said running leaving Kirito behind

I landed a hit on him rank 2 came running landing more "all right!" I ran to hit it while it's down passing rank 2

"Switch" I heard him say my eyes widened as I stabbed Kagachi in the back landing the final hit he disappeared as people cheered I was still shocked

"Congratulations on defeating the boss! I just boosted everyone's points and I have a special reward for the player who worked the hardest" Yuna said I put my sword away looking at the boy with grey hair as I stood there 'he has to be a sao Survivor how would he know what switch is...' I thought

I turned around to see Yuna close to me she kissed me on the cheek "Eh!" I blushed a bit embarrassed as people gasped I got a 10,000+ bonus

"Congratulations! Your this battles MVP!" She said she left and I started at the direction rank 2 went

"Nice job Y/N but what was that all about you know with Yuna?" Kirito said coming up to me clearing his throat I touched my cheek

"I'm not sure but rank 2..." I said me, Kirito, Klein and his friend met up and we were talking about our ranks I looked at the ranking board

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