Chapter 14 - concert

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Kirito POV

I got off the Elevator on the floor where everyone parks there cars and vehicles I walk out I'm here for one thing Y/N's memories and to help

"Okay I'm here like you wanted" I said he closed the book and looked at me

"You gonna give me her memory back or do I have to take it?" I said glaring at him

"What's the rush Black swordsman?" He said

"You called yourself Nautilus back then cool name for a guy who wouldn't fight cuz he was too scared of dying even having Night assassin Train you" I stated

"I'M CALLED EIJI NOW!" He shouted

"Guess I can't escape my past I'm surprised you remember a runt like me"he said And I shook my head

"Actually, I don't remember you A friend did" I said Thinking of Y/n

"Hmm? A friend you mean Girlfriend like Y/N I bet without her memory it's not enough you have her right? You probably want Yuuna too." He said which made me angry that he even had a thought to say I would want someone else other then the one I truly love.

"What the hell are you even talking about I wouldn't want Yuuna I already have Y/N and she's all I need." I said clenching my fist

"Never mind. You think you're so cool You know there's a reason I rank second in this gamed o you really think you can beat me? And your little Girlfriend taught me some thinks that I could use In the real world thank you her you might lose." He stated

"Oh really? I won't know unless I try to win Besides you not number one and I have worked with Y/N before she probably taught you the basics like she does with everyone." I stated

"Ordinal scale activate" we both said at the same time crossing each other out swords Colliding with each other

3rd person POV

As the two men sword collided Muffled music started playing from the stage two floors above.

Yuna came out and started singing she used her little white cloud like pet to fly around the stage while singing.

"I wish I could change things I used my position as chairman of Argus board of directors to get Yuuna a NerveGear and a copy of SAO I was just trying to make my daughter happy but in the end it was my stupidity that killed her." Shigermura stated behind the glass while he watched as purple glow sticks swing around while Yuna sang

Meanwhile the two men fighting swords kept hitting each other as Kirito dodged everything and ran Eiji ran Towards him to.

"I can see how everyone believed you'd clear SAO. You've got some moves!" Eiji said while they both ram Kirito ahead by a bit

"Wish I could say the same about you. Second rank my ass!" Kirito commented as he went in for a attack but Eiji dodged the blow.

As smoke covered Kirito's View Eiji spoke "People only remember the player so fought on the front lines. But Yuuna and me? We didn't fight, So we can't really look we didn't exist!" Eiji spoke

"Wait, you guys were together in SAO?!" Kirito said having his sword in front of him ready to attack at any given moment

"That's right!" Eiji came behind his but Kirito blocked on time but got sent flying back almost hitting the wall Eiji landed a hit on him

"And I was With her at the end. I watched her vanish!" Eiji said trying to hit him

"I hated myself for being so weak the girl I loved was in danger and I couldn't Lift a finger to save her!" He said still trying to hit the boy called Kirito but he dodged

"Her brain had become so Damaged by the fact of the nerve gear, it was impossible to save her. But if I could Acquire the memories of her from the other SAO players and find a way to combine them the deep learning function would do the rest End it could give my daughter a new life as an AI." Shigermura said

Kirito had found the button he could take from Eiji and see what would it do as he got launched into a wall.

"The numbers in the ordinal system are absolute Whoever is ranked number one becomes immortal after all that's how you design it kayaba." Shigermura said at the ghost of Akihiko

"Yuna is it? It sounds like "Una" Latin word for "one". Aincrad was controlled by a system using Cardinal numbers Ordinal scale is a system using ordinal numbers Your system I originally developed for SAO but Discarded early onIt seems to resurrected it doctor and developed a new game The man I used to be would have done the same had I been in your place." Kayaba said taking a pause

"But now doctor The man I've become believes in something greater an existence that can transcend the system itself" Kayaba said disappearing

Back with the two Kirito was disarmed "who cares if we take away Everyone's memories of sao we're doing them a favor" Eiji said Kirito flipped rubbing off the device that was on his neck.

"let's see how good you are without this!" Kirito said as He backed away Eiji panted

He ran at Kirito "God damn you!" Kirito struck him down it seemed like the Device made him faster and stronger in OS.

"We all suffered back then.But I won't lose to a guy who rejects the past, Because he thinks he suffered more" Kirito said while Eiji transferred out of OS

"Are you gonna give me Y/N's memory back?! Or do you wanna keep going!" Kirito said and Eiji

"It's too late now practically every SAO Survivor is upstairs In a few minutes We're going to start scanning the brains of every survivor and take their memories of SAO their memories of that hell. And then we'll bring Yuna back to life." Eiji said as Kirito eyes widened a bit

"What're you talking about?." Kirito said

Eiji looked insane "Like I said. It's too late now and you can't stop it!" The boy with grey hair laughed like he was insane

As Kirito ran he entered he seen the doors have locked.

"Oh my god." Agil said as they all were forced to transform

"Is this part of the show?!" Liz asked

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