Chapter 15- time to fight

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3rd person POV

A monster suddenly appeared next to Y/N and Silica. Silica had brought her little dagger out as Y/N kept hesitating to grab her sword something in her mind said do it but her body was shaking afraid of getting hurt and loosing more memories

"Y/N!" Liz shouted but another boss came up as the boss was about to hit the two girls someone came.

"Y/n! You okay?" Kirito asked worried as he was the one who helped

"K-Kirito I'm scared." Y/N replayed and he grunted

With with the professor stood Yuuna.

"Yuuna?" He turned around looking at her

"Please dad. You have to stop this now" she said walking up to him

"No you're not quite ready yet." He said

"But I don't want to come back to life!" Yuuna said trying to prove why this was wrong

"Of course you don''re still an AI and that's what your self preservation program is making you say it won't be long now, so just be a good girl and wait." Shigermura said

"But dad..." Yunna wanted to say something but her dad cut her off

"The AI crawler is collecting all the data from the players she's almost done it's her final task she did a fine job" he kept going

"YOU HAVE TO STOP THIS! If you run a high output scan inside there, those people might not just lose their memories they could die!" She said upset

"That is enough Yuuna!" He raised his voice having a flash back of how he saw her out on the nerve gear and gave him a final gift

"I would happily sell my soul to the deceit if it meant I could bring you back to life I swear I'd do anything even if it meant I ended up like Kayaba all I want is to get you back in my life." Shigermura said while Yuna simply walked away

Kirito POV

As we defeated a monster another one appeared it was the one Yui killed by deleting its data I was about to get hit when someone shielded me it was Yuna

"YUNA!" I shouted

"Help me Kirito If we don't stop this everyone here is going to die!"  She said looking at the tv

"Once the average of their emotive counters passes 10,000 a high output scan will Activate and destroy their brains!"  She said I shouted but no one listened

"What and I supposed to do?!" I asked

"It's no use, go to the place we met at yesterday that's floor 100 in Old Aincrad go there and beat the boss!It's our last hope sit down I'm going to unlock the Augma's Fulldive functional now!" She said

"You can fulldive with the Augma?!" I asked in shock

"The Augma is the same as the nerve gear just with limited functions now get going!" She said

"I'm ready!" I said feeing someone touch my shoulder I turn around to see Agil, Sinon, Silica and Liz

"You guys..."  I said and they sat down

"Good luck daddy!" Yui said

"Yui guard your mom." I told her and she nodded

"Right!" Y/N came down sitting next to me

"Kirito." She came with a worried look

"Don't worry this won't take long.we're the only chance these people have But I'm gonna need you to wait here" I said grabbing onto her hand giving her a ring

"K-Kirito..." I looked at her and kissed her cheek smiling

"Keep that safe till I get back, okay?" Her Eyes widened

"Link start!" We said

They commented on the boss as it was huge and hit up all the boss had a shield which we broke by switching out a tree grew behind it as a droplet of water from a leaf fell on it head healing it up.

"Shit." I said grunting

"No way" Silica said

"Oh man how do we beat that thing?" Liz said

As roots came we all got hit


I heard screams of pain and cries for help I clench onto my head whimpering scared of the everything.I had to put the ring on my finger so I wouldn't lose it while I clenched my head I heard Yuuna 

"I'm sorry Y/N" Yuuna said I looked up a bit still holding my head

"I'm the reason your memory was stolen My father's collecting the other SAO players memories of me from when I was alive in Aincrad" my eyes Widened and I started shaking a bit but I help onto my head.

"He's using the old bosses to force the survivors here Do you remember their fear of dying in SAO then he'll run a scan on their brains to extract the Memories of that happens it might end up damaging Everyone's brains permanently it might even kill them!" She said I gasped

"Oh, my god..." I let go of my head looking at Kirito going to take of his Augma

"No don't!" Yui said guarding his Augma

'If I take it off his head he'll be saved but then what about the other players there still in danger' I said in my mind I look at Yuuna holding a shield and I had a flash of a picture that was Kirito I clenched onto my chest

"Yuuna you died in SAO Because your were brave enough to leave the safe zone" I said standing up while she looked back

"You fought a boss and tried to clear a floor didn't you?" I asked I could see her eyes Widened

"I can't sit here and do nothing Yui I'm going to help Kirito and the others." I said holding a hand to my chest.

"Okay mommy I'll join you I'm a little bit." She said and I sat down putting my hand on top of Kirito's I inhaled

"Link starts!"

I see Silica getting crushed I jumped down hitting it on its head I pulled my sword out and jumped off to grab Silica

"Y/N!" Silica shouted I grabbed her hand

"I got you!" I said she hugged me crying

"It's my fault you lost your memory cause of me!" She cried I hugged back

"No stop blaming yourself it's okay now" I said landing on a Root

"Y/N!" I heard Kirito shout as Agil, Kirito, liz and Silica were with me

"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late." I said smiling

"You okay to be here?!" Kirito asked worried I nodded

"Yup I'm ready to fight I'm not afraid anymore!" I said

"Good" Kirito said smiling at me

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