Chapter 9- The lie of OS

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Kirito POV

I went to go visit Klein to see if he's in the same situation as Y/N

Flash back to hospital with Klein

"So how's your arm doing?" I ask seeing his arm in a sling and him grunting from the pain

"Eh it's not too" he cut himself off with another grunt

"I feel worse about making you guys worry." He said I looked at the ground then back at him

"Do you feel any I don't know different?" I asked

"Huh?" He responded I clenched my fist

"Do you remember what happened in SAO?" I asked he gasp a bit

"No If I try to think about it it's like my head is stuck in this big-ass fog, Well I do know it wasn't all fun and games for us, right? I don't know maybe it's better if I don't remember" he said looking out the window

End of flashback still Kirito POV

I look in my living room at the camping tent and telescope my dad let me barrow to bring Y/N on a star gazing Date I remember how she was excited about it.

I turned off the stove grabbing the Aguma I sent out a warning to see what would others say

'Warning about old SAO bosses is possible your memory might be impaired if you fight the old SAO bosses in OS. One of my friends are suffering from it even my Girlfriend has lost memories from SAO after fighting and getting struck by a old SAO boss she lost her memory. Everyone don't fight the old SAO bosses it's dangerous!' I set that as a warning and to see how others would respond

'That's impossible'

'No way'

'Your watching to many Sci-fi movies'

'You want the point for yourself that bad?"

"If that was true it'd make the headlines'

'Come up with a better lie...'


'Boring I wonder where it'll appear today?'

Were what people were saying "damn!" I said

I then remember why Y/N lost her memory in the first place I quickly searched up the top rank to see Eiji.

I went out going to try to find him I seen someone with the same jacket and color hair

"Hey!" I said grabbing his shoulder when he turned around it wasn't who I thought it was

"Oh uh sorry" I apologized while I kept walking around

Another flash back this time with Kirito and the doctor

"I can't tell if it's due to a glitch in the system or a deliberately designed feature if it's the latter and someone did this intentionally I'm afraid this is only the beginning" the doctor said

"Let me get this straight you're saying that if any of the SAO survivors play ordinal scale there's a chance they'll lose their memories too just like Y/N?" I said and he nodded

End of flash back

'If I'm not careful it could happen to me too if I can't remember those two years with her will I also forget I love her?...' I thought clenching my hand

"I'm sorry daddy I couldn't find a player called Eiji I used his name and visual data from the last battle but the search didn't turn up a thing" Yui said sadly

"Oh, well..." I said sadly

"Don't give up daddy! While your fighting the boss I'll be gathering Data! I'm sure I'll find something to go on and help mommy!" I smiled at her as she said that

"I know you will Yui I'm counting on you." I said while she smiled

"Well, well! Look who it is" I heard a female voice

It was Sinon "what are you doing here?" I asked surprised

"What are you doing here? You just told everyone not to fight the bosses and here you are." She said

"I know but it's really dangerous if a boss kills you you'll lose your memory like Y/N." I said she laughed

"I'll be fine I'm not a SAO survivor like you guys if I don't have those memories to scan nothings gonna happen right Yui?" She asked her

"Yes you should be safe I think?" Yui Answered

"Yea but we don't know if—" I got cut of by a female voice shouting

"Sinon! You should have told me you left I thought I lost you!" I looked to see a familiar h/c haired girl

"Oh right...I'm sorry Y/N I forgot you came with me!" Sinon yelled back while she got here Y/N seemed to see me and she blushed hiding behind Sinon

"Y/N what are you doing here?!" I asked in a panic as she had her Augma on

"Well we were shopping and-" she was cut off while everyone said Ordinal scale activate

"H-huh?! Sinon!" She said but before I could say anything I heard her change

"Y/N!" I shouted while I seen her sword form 

Me and Sinon yelled "Ordinal scale activate!"  And My focus was on Y/N

We watch the boss come out "that's Dire Tusk the boss from floor 18" I said as I look at y/n who had her eyes widened

"Sinon take care of Y/N she won't remember how to fight or use skill like in Sao." I said while Sinon nodded and Y/N was a bit confused and shock

"I just checked and a total of 10 bosses have appeared in different spots across the city." Yui said

"There pulling out all the stops tonight." Sinon said

"Dire Tusk is here becuase the admins shuffle the locations around!" Yui said

Sinon shot him and I looked at her and Y/N

"It's gonna wind up the attack next" I said the two girls nodded

"Then let's light him up!" Sinon said

People tried to attack while people got hit I ran trying to attack I see Y/N running with me

"Kirito lets Hit by turns basically switching while hitting!" Y/N yelled I didn't want her to get hurt but I knew she would be stubborn and want to help.

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