Chapter-4 Another boss

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Kirito POV

"I'm heading out now, Kazuto!" I heard my sister yell I walked near the stairs seeing her packed

"Okay have fun at boot camp." I said she looked me up and down

"You gonna change out of those sweats anytime soon?" She said getting up

"Yea well I'm just gonna stay home and research colleges." I responded scratching my stomach

"That's good but you should get some exercise too, grab a shinai and go swing it around outside at least" she said I cut her off

"Yeah maybe if I feel like it don't forget to bring back some of those-" she cut me off

"Whatever you know you should try using the Augma more you can win a free gym membership we'll Cya!" She said leaving as I went back up to my room

I went on my computer and looked into the Augma Shgemura lab creators of the Augma I turned off my computer and laid on my bed "AR's Everywhere I look these days" I said laying down

I grabbed my head gear "link start!" I said lazily I seen a Dash of colors sponding in the cabin I own with Y/N.

When I finish loading I looked to see a familiar h/c girl talking with Yui I walked behind her and hugged her she jumped

She turned around quickly "K-Kirito!" She stuttered a bit which I laughed she sat down on the couch and pouted

"What if I burned myself!" She said I laughed again

"Your fine" I said looking at her laying on her lap

"Is Leafa coming?" She asked I shook my head

"Nah she just left for boot camp she'll be only gone for a few days" I said

"Dork.Even with her gone make sure you eat!" She said playing with my hair

"Of course! You know I can cook for myself" I responded crossing my arms looking up at her

"Whatever you say when you have stuff on your mind you tend to forget to eat and other things" she looked at me while I got off her lap

"Daddy only makes Pasta with one ingredient! Pepperoncini!" Yui said jumping off her shoulder flying to mine as I sat up

"TMI Yui TMI" I said and they both giggled which made me smile seeing my two girls laugh again

"Kirito I was thinking of our plans my brother said he'd like to meet you one of these days" she said surprising me from what I know Y/N's brother Kaita works for the company that made ALO and he still helps with it he's great with games and helps with different ones

"Y-yeah one of these days" I responded I looked at her and smiled while she smiled back we sat in silence until a beep was heard she pulled her left hand down seeing what the problem was

"They post pond another ALO event quest" she sighed

"Again?" I sighed

"I just checked in the passed two weeks ALO has had a 30% drop in log ins" Yui said

"I guess because people been busy with playing Ordinal scale" I said

"Yea maybe for now they'll come back!" Y/N said smiling

"Well I better go it's getting late!" She said I nodded kissing her cheek


I logged out laying on my bed I took of the head gear I looked around my room witch was a new room since we moved since the sao incident and it was more techy now

I tied up my hair and decided to take a shower I was scrolling on my phone seeing a black pair of gloves I wanted to get Kirito with points I earned I got a text

Klein~'Today's boss raid is near your house you wanna join us? Here's the details'

I was gonna text Kirito to see if he wanted to come but remembering his face when he found out people were ditching ALO for Ordinal scale I decided not to

'I'm heading out soon!'~ Y/N

I responded to him I finish washing my body and got out the shower changing into some leggings with a dress like top.

Meeting up with Klein

"Hey Y/N glad you made it hoping I didn't wake you up!" He said I shook my head

"Oh, no I wasn't in bet yet you texted me during a bath.!" I said they all blushed and I stuttered a bit I notice one of them were missing

"Your missing one of your friends?" I said and questioned

"Go on ahead well meet you there when he gets here!" Klein said I put my hands behind my back leaving forward

"Better Hurry or I'll scoop up all your points!" I said giggling

"Hey! Let's not be greedy" Klein said as we all laughed I waved goodbye as I went to the place where the boss would Here appear.

I huge Eagle like monster appeared and Yuna was here again everyone cheered as I pulled out my sword  it was a boss from sao which means it might have the same pattern attacks

I looked around seeing Klein and his friends didn't show up yet "Dang if Klein!" I said as I dodged a attack.

People shot the bird I run to the shield users "it's prepping for its big attack!you tanks draw its Aggro!" They stuttered a bit but nodded

I run to the gun users "it's killer move is coming when you see it hover aim for its wings!"  They agreed

I go to people with axes, swords and lances "Everyone moves in once it hits the ground!" Everyone agreed with me as the monster came to hit people the shield users blocked it

It lifted its wings giving attacking the shields I was near the gun users "FIRE!" I shouted pointing at the wings as they aimed there shots and hit the wings

It hit the ground and I yelled 'GO' to everyone else having them attack it while it's on the ground they got hits on it as it ran Towards me.

"HYAAA" I have a battle cry running to it putting my sword threw it getting the last hit everyone cheered as A guy came up to me

"Yo! You were amazing out there!" Another came after more people

"Nice strategy!"

"Ya you were awesome!"

"You play any other games?" men started saying I blushed embarrassed

"Oh u-uh" scratching the back of my head

"Hello again!" I heard a female voice that belonged to Yuna she came infront of me

"Congratulations!" she put her hands in a hug motion and I scurried back not wanting her to kiss me again

"Aww oh we'll see you later Y/N~" she said leaving I was surprised

I was walking home looking around Klein never showed up I heard sirens so I walked home a little faster where is he...

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