Chapter 8 - Memories

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Kirito POV

I woke up to my phone buzzing witch I reached for it grabbing it I seen it was Y/N calling so I answered

"Are you okay?" I asked

"K-Kirito can we please meet in ALO please just for a while..." she asked I could hear the sadness and fear in her voice so I said yes right away worried I hung up and logged in to see her already there.

"What's going on? Cant sleep?" I asked she didn't answer but look at her knees

"Why are you sitting in the dark?" I asked turning on the light which made her look at me

"Thank you for coming I'm so sorry if I woke you..."she said slowly I shook my head

"It's okay are you okay did something happen?" I asked worried she looked around our home standing up still looking around

"This cabin about how long would you say We've lived here?" She asked

"Well we bought it in SAO so it's Been two and a half years now?" I answered

"It's has hasn't it?" She said

"Y/N?" I called questioning her "what....?" She cut me off.

"I knew it. I can't remember" she said with watery eyes

"What do you mean? What?" I asked

"Everything that happened in Aincrad I can't recall any of it the first time you and I met all the battles we fought us living here together" she said

"What the heck are you talking about? Your joking right?!" I went up to her putting my hands on her shoulders she shook her head

"I-in the last few hours the memories I had of sao faded away.there's nothing left now" she said looking down my eyes widened she wasn't joking

"I-I'm Sorry Kirito!" She said crying I hugged her

"It's okay it's not your fault I love you okay?" She still cried

"I'm so so sorry I love you I love you so much I'm sorry!" She said hugging me tighter i hugged her patting her head

"Go get rest okay? I'll pick you up tomorrow" I said she nodded I kissed her and she kissed back we parted

"Okay thank you Kirito for being here." She said smiling threw her tears I nodded as she logged out and so did I

Time skip to tomorrow at the hospital Kirito POV.

Y/n was put into a machine checking her head "I'll have to go through all the Data before I can say for certain what happened but by the looks of it Y/N's brain seems to have undergone some kind of limited memory scan" the doctor said

"Limited memory scan?" I asked

"So like whatever did this only targeted her memories of SAO? How's that even possible?!" I asked shocked

"I can think of one way actually if she were put in a situation which forces her to recall moments in SAO the single neurons connected to those memories would be identified then by showering the neurons with electron pulses the image of each memory is scanned in the past few days there has been multiple reports of people with symptoms similar to U/B it's could be a coincidence but I doubt it each patient had something in common they all payed that AR game events battles" he explained

"Then the Augma's causing it..." I said

"I can't be certain of that yet" the doctor said

"Is Y/N going to be all right?" I asked

"Well as of right now I don't see any sign of actual physical damage to her brain my theory is her ability to recap her memories was effected Because the electron pulses degenerated her spine unfortunately I can't tell whether or not she'll show any further symptoms until I run some more test" he said I looked at Y/N and she was Calm but I can see the fear in her eyes

"Wait so you're saying there's still a chance she'll lose even more of her memories?" He looked at he paper thinking and I gasped

She looked down her eyes wide we walked out

"I'm sorry Kirito." She said sighing next to me

"Don't worry you can still remember what happened lately right?" I asked her holding her hand

She nodded "this doesn't mean you're never gonna remember SAO again. You will you'll see." I said squeezing her hand she let go of my hand

Gasping a little she brought her right hand up swinging it down like the menu in sao "Y/N?" She tried grabbing her hand to stop herself

"What's wrong Y/N?" I said worried she gasped as she grabbed her hand falling to the ground

"Y/N?!" The nurses came out

Y/N POV time skip to ALO at copy of Aincrad

Kirito took me to some places that were in the old Aincrad but I couldn't remember any he walked me threw the forest hand in hand we sat in a field for a while before walking home I was sitting with Yui and Kirito as he put down a plate that had a sandwich on it

"Well?" He asked I shook my head

"I'm sorry Kirito I can't remember anything about SAO I remember when we bought this place in ALO but not when we first got it everything about sao is blank" I said feeing pain in my head as my eyes watered

"Mommy!" I heard Yui said and I apologize

"I'm sorry!" I hugged her "I hate that I can't remember the life we had back then." I said crying a bit

"I'm going to find out what really going on in Ordinal scale I'm sure I'll find a clue that'll help you get your memory back" Yui said I hugged her again

"Thank you Yui" I said as she cuddled into me Kirito came closer hugging us both

"Even if I can't remember this is the place i called home and still do and my family." I said as I felt Kirito kiss my cheek

"Yeah." Kirito said

Time skip to afternoon

Me and Kirito were leaning on each other while Yui was on my shoulder

"I'll go make us more tea" he said I shook my head

"I can make it!" I said walking inside with the plate I started shaking dropping the plate I was to stressed and the plate shattered I couldn't have Kirito and Yui see me like this

I cried with the pot broken "why can't I remember..." I said crying

Memory swipe (Kirito x reader)Where stories live. Discover now